Colonoscopy and pausing oral anticoagulant
I have history of paroxysmal afib and taking eliquis 5mg two times a day .I have to do colonoscopy and my doctor told me to stop eliquis 2 days prior to have colonoscopy, I am very scared to have stroke if I stop it and I asked my doctor to have bridging but he said eliquis doesn’t need bridging. I am very scared should I do colonoscopy ? Is it ok to stop eliquis .
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Hello @behzad1234 !
I’m sorry you are having anxiety over your upcoming procedure. I certainly understand your concern.
Let me preface everything by saying I am in no way a medical professional.
I did a little research on eliquis and colonoscopy. Also, my dad has atrial flutter and has taken medications for years for this; I do believe eliquis was one of them.
I really don’t think that stopping eliquis for such a short time would greatly increase your risk of stroke. Also, if your doctor isn’t concerned about that, I’m sure it’s fine.
If you are still worried, a couple suggestions:
From what I read, you do not have to stop taking aspirin for a colonoscopy. Maybe you could ask your doctor if you could take this as a replacement for eliquis to reduce the risk of stroke/heart attack prior to the colonoscopy?
Also, please don’t skip the colonoscopy because of this worry. Recently, a friend was diagnosed with colon cancer, and in just a few short weeks died. He was an active person. He was only 64.
Colon cancer is a real threat and can escalate quickly; please get your colonoscopy.
Talk to your doctor about your concerns. I’m sure they can ease your mind.
Best Wishes 🙂
Thank you dear witsend000
I will contact my doctor and hope he let me to take aspirin.
@behzad1234, I'll be interested to hear what your doctor recommends. I completely agree with @witsend000. Do not let fear get in the way of your getting the colonoscopy.
Hi Colleen,
My doctor didn’t let me to take aspirin in case has to remove polyps, I did have colonoscopy and started taking my eliquis this morning.
For future, another option is a CT colonoscopy. They fill you with air and take images. The prep/drink is the same but no need to come off blood thinners. If they do see something of concern then you have to redo the prep and speak with your hematologist about coming off your meds in order to have a biopsy. But for an “all clear” colonoscopy, it was a speedy process.
I have also done a ‘’virtual’’ colonoscopy three times now over several years instead of the regular one. I have taken Pradaxa for 5 years after two strokes, recently had dental work and did not stop the Pradaxa. I and my docs feel preventing another stroke is far more important than any new situation, so the docs/dentists must solve the present problem. So far they have, albeit not overly happily, but sometimes it is necessary to protect yourself and force others to ‘’think out of the box’’!
I’m having a colonoscopy in four days and I was told to stop Eliquis for two days prior so that means no Eliquis on Saturday or Sunday
Before the actual test on Monday,and then I plan to resume it after the colonoscopy Monday morning. We. I am not supposed to take aspirin at all even though aspirin is allowed during the procedure.
I take Eliquis for a – fib.
One more comment, kind of off the topic but what concerns me and I didn’t know I’d be taking Eliquis for the rest of my life, is that it’s expensive. And I’m really not happy about that. It’s not that I can’t go for it but when I went to fill 90 days worth of Eliquis, it was with insurance at the beginning of the year. It was about $380+ dollars for the next 90 days. When my cardiologist ordered it for me he didn’t tell me it was going to be forever, and he didn’t tell me it would cost that much! I hope it comes out with a generic equivalent one of these days, but who knows?
You can get a discount/savings card through the manufacturer that can be used in addition to your insurance coverage. Go to the Eliquis site and click on the orange box in the upper right corner that reads "Request A Co-Pay Card".
I have coronary heart disease, history of MI and a structural defect. When I had my first MI in 2013 I was put on Plavix (generic-clopidogrel) and told I would be on it for the rest of my life. I have to get off of this for a couple of days before colonoscopy (and like procedures). I am not a clinician, but I understand it takes about 3 days for Eliquis to get out of your system. So, it may be less of an issue than you think, particularly when you look at the benefit from getting a colonoscopy and being able to take any needed action from this.