Chronic Pain, alternative Treatment

Posted by CiPaul @cipaul, Jul 11, 2017

I have had chronic pain for 17 years. I know what I'm going to say will be met with doubt, but please try what I say, even though it is not completely backed up by sceince. I was on heavy doses of OPIOIDS for 16 years with no help, relieveing my pain, then I started to take Kratom, for the last year I have been Pain Free!!! If you try it , you will have to try different strains, to find out what works best for you

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Where do you buy your kratom ?


It is unbelievable to me that a progressive facility like the Mayo Clinic would come out with their recent article against Kratom. Every single source they cite is undocumented opinion not supported with any scientific fact at all. Even the CDC has come out in favor of Kratom. There has been not one single instance of un-contaminated kratom overdose. I wonder which lobbyist visited Mayo on behalf of the FDA. In my opinion the campaign to demonize, illegalize, synthesize and then capitalize on Kratom is obvious.


IMPORTANT NOTE from Mayo Clinic pharmacist:

Kratom is a natural product but it does have significant risks and side effects. Because of these risks the FDA banned import of Kratom in August 2016 and issued a notice of intent to classify 2 chemicals in Kratom as Schedule 1 drugs (the same category as heroin).

Kratom can cause dependence and withdrawl symptoms including aggression, anxiety and other negative psychiatric effects, muscle aches, spasms, tremors, insomnia, fever and upset stomach. It can also cause dangerous slowed breathing and seizures. It can worsen psychiatric disease and may increase the risk of suicide. Kratom can impair liver function. Kratom interacts with other herbal medications including Jimson Weed. It interacts with sedating medications. It has the potential for many other drug interactions because of the way it is metabolized.

There are other medications and therapies for pain and withdrawal. Pain and withdrawal CAN be safely and effectively managed with prescription medications and other therapies by dedicated providers.Trying to manage serious medical conditions without your provider to guide you could make the condition worse.

Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Centers use group therapy, physical and occupational therapy and biofeedback and work with each individual to optimize therapy.

This is a link to opiate addiction treatment centers and has further information on Kratom addiction.

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Well said Collen. Kratom has very bad side effects. They all need to be going to a pain management doctor for your best treatment choices.


I know when we have to jump thru so many hoops to get anything from marijuana to our prescribed opiods how do they get it with a text to the neighborhood dealer. I personally have had only bad results trying a form of marijuana but on minimal opiods I can maintain. But when a situation arises I need more pain control I do not appreciate being treated like a criminal because I temporarily need a higher dose. My Dr. knows my history and should prescribe with more compassion. I have never gotten this "high" people talk about what I want to be able to do is sex...without debilitating pain. I want to smile because I am happy not as a cover to make others feel better. I want to once again shout from the roof tops..."I am blessed" God has given me comfort and joy with this extended life I have received...but pain can block that from our minds...I do not be drugged to lose control of my thoughts and actions ...I want quality and control and laughter and friends. I could go on for ever but the most irritating thing right now?? I created myself…."I am fine" I say and they so want to believe that they ask no other questions. I go for my 3 month scans this week so I am sure that has made me more introspective than usual. But I question who I will even tell if the results are more negative than I would want. Every time the scans have shown growth since we halted chemo in Jan. ...I had growth while doing chemo and sideeffects were getting more severe.What I am going to ask him is "if the growth was enough to warrant chemo and it has done nothing but grow since then...why is current philosophy watch and wait? He has as much said he doesn't know what to try next. Sorry got away from pain topic !!! husband will be home soon and he gets tired of seeing me online

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You have written so eloquently and have conceptualized so many things that I feel. Thanks for your wisdom, passion, humor, and spirit. So much appreciated. My best to you.....Lori Renee


I know when we have to jump thru so many hoops to get anything from marijuana to our prescribed opiods how do they get it with a text to the neighborhood dealer. I personally have had only bad results trying a form of marijuana but on minimal opiods I can maintain. But when a situation arises I need more pain control I do not appreciate being treated like a criminal because I temporarily need a higher dose. My Dr. knows my history and should prescribe with more compassion. I have never gotten this "high" people talk about what I want to be able to do is sex...without debilitating pain. I want to smile because I am happy not as a cover to make others feel better. I want to once again shout from the roof tops..."I am blessed" God has given me comfort and joy with this extended life I have received...but pain can block that from our minds...I do not be drugged to lose control of my thoughts and actions ...I want quality and control and laughter and friends. I could go on for ever but the most irritating thing right now?? I created myself…."I am fine" I say and they so want to believe that they ask no other questions. I go for my 3 month scans this week so I am sure that has made me more introspective than usual. But I question who I will even tell if the results are more negative than I would want. Every time the scans have shown growth since we halted chemo in Jan. ...I had growth while doing chemo and sideeffects were getting more severe.What I am going to ask him is "if the growth was enough to warrant chemo and it has done nothing but grow since then...why is current philosophy watch and wait? He has as much said he doesn't know what to try next. Sorry got away from pain topic !!! husband will be home soon and he gets tired of seeing me online

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Amen to being treated like a criminal sometimes. I have used narcotics for 37 years without one problem. We all use them to just have a chance at some kind of life. Some of these doctor I wish could have the tides turned on them. Let them walk in our life and see how they handle 24-7 pain. The published guidelines are guidelines for the treatment of acute pain patients. Not mandatory punishment for long term pain patients. Luckily I have a great doctor right now. Who doesn't play games to get my medications. Three well known doctors who are experts at pain management just released a new guideline recommendations to the government. Tell how they are punishing long term pain patients with they're foolish guidelines.


It is unbelievable to me that a progressive facility like the Mayo Clinic would come out with their recent article against Kratom. Every single source they cite is undocumented opinion not supported with any scientific fact at all. Even the CDC has come out in favor of Kratom. There has been not one single instance of un-contaminated kratom overdose. I wonder which lobbyist visited Mayo on behalf of the FDA. In my opinion the campaign to demonize, illegalize, synthesize and then capitalize on Kratom is obvious.

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I agree. I did watch "Leaf Of Faith" on Netflix regarding Kratom as recommended by another member. I believe that maybe the big campaign against Kratom is because it works. Pharmaceutical companies would lose so much money if people started to ditch their prescribed medications and replace them with Kratom. Within the next couple years it will probably be sold by Pfizer, LOL. The healthcare world is about making money and not so much about helping patients. I was told this by one person over the phone. Healthy patients don't bring in the money. Doctors, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, etc. need "sick" patients. Sorry if this offends anyone. It's just my opinion after my doctors ignored what the main problem was for 16 years and now nerve compression of the cauda equina is causing a bunch of permanent nerve damage. I'm bedridden, only leave the house for doctor appts., and am totally dependent on my husband. I'm only 44 and shouldn't be living like this.


Amen to being treated like a criminal sometimes. I have used narcotics for 37 years without one problem. We all use them to just have a chance at some kind of life. Some of these doctor I wish could have the tides turned on them. Let them walk in our life and see how they handle 24-7 pain. The published guidelines are guidelines for the treatment of acute pain patients. Not mandatory punishment for long term pain patients. Luckily I have a great doctor right now. Who doesn't play games to get my medications. Three well known doctors who are experts at pain management just released a new guideline recommendations to the government. Tell how they are punishing long term pain patients with they're foolish guidelines.

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I absolutely agree with you. Pain patients that actually need the medications are treated like drug addicts now. I had to jump from doctor to doctor to find one that doesn't treat me like that. It makes you look guilty of something. I've used my prescribed medications (fentanyl, tramadol, etc.) for 16 years without any issues. If you take them as prescribed there shouldn't be an issue. It really sucks that we are left to try to endure the pain because drug addicts are buying the street version of these drugs and overdosing. The statistics don't account for people that actually take them as prescribed, seems like they just include drug addicts' results.



I absolutely agree with you. Pain patients that actually need the medications are treated like drug addicts now. I had to jump from doctor to doctor to find one that doesn't treat me like that. It makes you look guilty of something. I've used my prescribed medications (fentanyl, tramadol, etc.) for 16 years without any issues. If you take them as prescribed there shouldn't be an issue. It really sucks that we are left to try to endure the pain because drug addicts are buying the street version of these drugs and overdosing. The statistics don't account for people that actually take them as prescribed, seems like they just include drug addicts' results.

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@tazscott I've been taking Tramadol 50 mg since 2005 after a fracture One at night 2if needed during day I can leave it and have without any side effects We are pigeonholed with drug addicts



I absolutely agree with you. Pain patients that actually need the medications are treated like drug addicts now. I had to jump from doctor to doctor to find one that doesn't treat me like that. It makes you look guilty of something. I've used my prescribed medications (fentanyl, tramadol, etc.) for 16 years without any issues. If you take them as prescribed there shouldn't be an issue. It really sucks that we are left to try to endure the pain because drug addicts are buying the street version of these drugs and overdosing. The statistics don't account for people that actually take them as prescribed, seems like they just include drug addicts' results.

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@qball2019, you are absolutely correct. A couple months ago, I had extensive open abdominal surgery and was denied pain medication while still in ICU. I begged for ANY kind of pain relief and was denied everything, including Tylenol and Aleve. That is beyond ridiculous, and I suffered needlessly. That should not happen to anyone....but it does on a regular basis now. So wrong.


Well said Collen. Kratom has very bad side effects. They all need to be going to a pain management doctor for your best treatment choices.

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I have & with nothing bad in my med history, The MD, ( Mad Doctor) Said NO!! Only Injections!!!!! Think About That!!!!!!!!!😣😣😣😣😣😣😣

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