Myelomalacia: Let's connect

Posted by lanieg @lanieg, Feb 23, 2023

I recently had a MRI of my cervical spine and moderate to severe myelomalacia was discovered. I already have a C3 to C5 fusion. Symptoms include pain in arms, neck and shoulders, off balance, light headed, difficulty picking up small items. Has anyone else experienced this diagnosis? What has been done about it? Seeing a neurosurgeon soon but not excited about another neck surgery. However what I read about it says if left untreated could cause serious nerve issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I have myelomalacia the tremors & pain are so severe recently I had to go to the ER , I was put on IVs for pain . Tremors are so bad at times I have a family member that accused me of being on meth!! Anyone else have severe nerve muscle spasms?

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Yes. Was in Er for muscle spasms ans I have myeomalacia at c5 and stenosis. I wondering if there's a surgeon at mayoclinic who knows what to do. I was already fused c3 to c7 but still have a mild stenosis at 7 more so at 5 and c7 t1 show protrusion. My spurs are still there after a surgery just in Aug. 2022. I've never seen an updated Mri reading almost the same in 2024 for a fusion I just had. I'm crooked now scoliosis. Vertigo and nueropathy. I feel your pain. It seems nobody in my city wants to touch me. That's why I need to find some surgeon who knows hiw to fix me.


I was diagnosed with this prior to surgery. The work severe was used several times in the radiology report on my initial MRI. had ACDF of C5-7 in Feb after 2 consults. Don't know what a new MRI will show, but surgery was done to stop the progression of the possible outcomes. I am in PT for the dizziness, clumsiness and dealing with the pain a numbness. Meds seem to be working on the nerve blocking and keeping the pain and all at bay most days. Still able to work full time, but some days are better than others. I wish you the best possible outcome!

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