Chronic Inflammation & Swelling for Some MS Patients, I'm one!

Posted by @EDiesel472 @ericanelson02, Dec 18, 2023

Does anyone suffer from chronic inflammation? Mine comes with swelling but the PCP didn't even know that that could happen for a Patients who have MS and/or Fibromyalgia. The Neurologist doesn't think that my swelling is due to MS (makes no sense to me given the many reputable medical resources freely available on Google). Why wouldn't they know this? Interesting.

I notice the swelling in my face, feet, and ankles. Yes, it could be from Fibro, too, but I think it's MS as well. Also, I have no active lesions but do have a few existing lesions. Why do some Doctors not know that the presence of lesions, regardless of if active or not, doesn't take away the symptoms that "some" patients like me still have going on, which feels like a relapse.

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