Chronic Chest Pain for months on end. help :(
Hello everyone! My name is Emily and I’m 19 years old.
Medical History: I have had a range of health issues during my life, but nothing life threatening. I have had multiple emergency surgeries for accidents, including plastic surgery on my face when I was 4. I had a tumor on my right ovary which was removed when I was 10, have been diagnosed with a heart arrhythmia which until this point has been untreated since it is not “a problem” even though my last EKG was done almost 5 years ago. I have suffered from GERD my whole life and follow a strict diet since I have Celiacs Disease which led to several years of asthma and I’m allergic to 10 other foods besides gluten. I’m an anxious person but get psychological attention and have managed to control my anxiety and stress successfully my whole life.
Chest Pain: I began feeling an intense chest pressure accompanied by pain on JAN 2019 which was treated by my pulmonologist as a symptom of GERD and I was prescribed a Proton Pump Inhibitor (ezomeprazol/Nexium). The pain is mostly on the center of my chest slightly to the left, lasts all day from the moment I wake up until I fall asleep and gets worse when I eat, or inhale fully. it lasted until MAY point at which it stopped abruptly. It began again on AUG out of the blue at which point the first thing I did was buy Nexium and took a whole month of it, I went to several doctors including but not limited to a pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, allergist, immunologist and even several homeopaths. All of which decided it was a. Nothing at all, b. Psychological or c. Acid reflux.
Treatment: I took 3 months of Nexium (aug-sept-oct) by doctors orders, and only got better on December, again all of the sudden after two months of no treatment, just pain. I was tested for lupus and other autoimmune diseases but came out negative, my endoscopy showed no ulcers or damage to the lining in my stomach or esophagus, Doctor said I had minor gastroenteritis. Allergist gave me an inhaler with bronchodilators (for asthma) which didn’t help much, homeopaths gave me all kinds of natural medicines, acupuncture, Bach flowers, neural therapy, and St. John’s Wort, all of which did nothing for me, and I was even injected with muscle relaxers in the ER one day. My cardiologist refused to do a new EKG last time I visited or any other test for that matter and referred me to the immunologist with a possibility of lupus and a “disautonomy” and I can’t help but feel as though my heart is involved.
Currently: I now find myself on the throes of this horrible chest pain once again and am taking Nexium and following a strict diet which leaves no room for reflux, which makes me wonder, what is wrong with my body and why don’t get better? I’m leaving for college in January, and I genuinely can’t function like this. any ideas would help so much! Thanks a ton guys, stay safe and God Bless.
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Please look up is THE worst pain ever and although it begins around the ribs, it creates a lot of chest pain. Anti-inflammatories and prednisone will take away the inflammation in time. I had never had such intense pain before! Best wishes....
I’ve been having similar pain as well ): it’s scary not knowing the exact cause.
Ask your doctor about the COSTOCONDRITIS possibility. See if some prednisone and anti-inflammatories takes awhile, but it is my guess that this is your source of pain
Best wishes!
I was on prednisone for a like 14 days (my doctor put me on a dose to see if that would help my pain) gave me bad side effects but did take away my chest pain but then after taking them it came right back
I don’t have pain either when I press on my chest and i feel like my symptoms don’t match that but it definitely isn’t out of the picture I guess. I’ve also seen a sport rehab doc who was working on my chest for a bit but that didn’t help only made me worse by just causing additional pain and my primary doctor advised me to stop having him do that 😂
Thanks for the reply !