Your advice on getting through Chemo for lung cancer

Posted by detroitmom23 @detroitmom23, Jan 30, 2023

I have malignancy on lower right lobe as well as in lymph node in neck. Radiology Oncologist suggesting chemo. They don’t want to do radiation because it would be over too big of an area. I don’t know if they would do radiation after the chemo , that isn’t clear to me yet. I meet with chemo dr this week. I have a feeling they will start me on chemo next week. I’m so scared! Any advice on getting through it?

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Thanks for asking Lisa. Feeling better now. I was prescribed some additional steroids to take for a few days and that seemed to help. I guess I just have to remember to expect feeling unwell for a few days after chemo and roll with the punches knowing that things will get better.

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Hi @detroitmom23, if I remember correctly, you had another round of chemo last week, correct? Hopefully your next scans show some improvement, and things can start looking up for you. Are you doing ok?


Hi @detroitmom23, if I remember correctly, you had another round of chemo last week, correct? Hopefully your next scans show some improvement, and things can start looking up for you. Are you doing ok?

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H Lisa - thank you for thinking about me. It’s much appreciated. I did get my 4th and final chemo last week. This time they made some adjustments and decreased amount of Carboplatin and kept me on steroids for an extra few days. Plus I got a shot of B12 which apparently boosts the chemo and gives some energy. I actually feel pretty good this time around. I did get approved for radiation which was up in the air due to size of lung mass. I do get another scan in two weeks but even so based on last scan they are willing to go forward with it. I hope there won’t be a lot of side effects from radiation but I’m thankful that I’m eligible. I consult with radiologist on May 4th. I also joined a local lung cancer support group through my hospital and I’ve met with them once so far. Lots of people staged at 4 in their diagnosis and still going strong a few years later. One lady diagnosed stage 4 almost 12 years ago. Amazing ❤️. Gives me hope. I’m stage 3c diagnosed 4 months ago. So thankful for the support. We are all in this together. 💜


H Lisa - thank you for thinking about me. It’s much appreciated. I did get my 4th and final chemo last week. This time they made some adjustments and decreased amount of Carboplatin and kept me on steroids for an extra few days. Plus I got a shot of B12 which apparently boosts the chemo and gives some energy. I actually feel pretty good this time around. I did get approved for radiation which was up in the air due to size of lung mass. I do get another scan in two weeks but even so based on last scan they are willing to go forward with it. I hope there won’t be a lot of side effects from radiation but I’m thankful that I’m eligible. I consult with radiologist on May 4th. I also joined a local lung cancer support group through my hospital and I’ve met with them once so far. Lots of people staged at 4 in their diagnosis and still going strong a few years later. One lady diagnosed stage 4 almost 12 years ago. Amazing ❤️. Gives me hope. I’m stage 3c diagnosed 4 months ago. So thankful for the support. We are all in this together. 💜

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@detroitmom23, I’m so glad that the chemo went better this time. Thanks for including the details on what they did differently this time, that may help others in the future. That’s good news that they’ll be able to do the radiation too.
The weight of the diagnosis can be so difficult to carry, I’m glad you have found a local support group. People that are 12 years at stage IV are encouraging for all of us!


Chemo has definitely come a long way since the days of wheeling your bag into the bathroom to throw up. I had four rounds of Carbo and zero nausea. I finished reading a book during the sessions! I did take Dex pills before and after and noticed that the first bag they hung was also Dex. I had B12 shots before chemo started and after it ended. Glad to hear it's going better for you!

I had radiation simultaneously with chemo as my doctor thought the chemo would be more effective that way. The two together definitely made me tired. I had IMRT (Intensity-modulated Radiation Therapy). Way cool! Friends had warned me about skin burns but had absolutely none. The office had given me a cream, but when I asked the radiologist how widely to spread it, he said don't bother. IMRT controls both the depth and the area of the radiation so it only goes where it's supposed to. We're "lucky" to be going through this after the medical community has improved the techniques so much.

I was 2b at the initial diagnosis of a cyst in my upper right lobe, which they removed. It came back as a brain cyst two years later. Now I'm 2 1/2 years after that and cancer free this whole time! Thanks for letting us know about another long survivor.


H Lisa - thank you for thinking about me. It’s much appreciated. I did get my 4th and final chemo last week. This time they made some adjustments and decreased amount of Carboplatin and kept me on steroids for an extra few days. Plus I got a shot of B12 which apparently boosts the chemo and gives some energy. I actually feel pretty good this time around. I did get approved for radiation which was up in the air due to size of lung mass. I do get another scan in two weeks but even so based on last scan they are willing to go forward with it. I hope there won’t be a lot of side effects from radiation but I’m thankful that I’m eligible. I consult with radiologist on May 4th. I also joined a local lung cancer support group through my hospital and I’ve met with them once so far. Lots of people staged at 4 in their diagnosis and still going strong a few years later. One lady diagnosed stage 4 almost 12 years ago. Amazing ❤️. Gives me hope. I’m stage 3c diagnosed 4 months ago. So thankful for the support. We are all in this together. 💜

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Hi detroitmom23, Good to hear you made it through the chemo OK. I hope you get the radiation you need and it goes very well too.
More and more they are intending the lung cancer treatments to be curative. That is great.


My husband experienced a change in taste; everything had a metallic tinge to it. Foods that didn't seem to bother him were applesauce, grilled cheese, eggs and pancakes. Notice the pattern of somewhat bland foods. Protein is a must to keep your energy up. Ask in advance for a prescription for Zofran for nausea. Ginger also helps with nausea (tea, cookies, candy). Now is not the time to worry about calories. You will need all you can get. Milk shakes are good. You can also add Carnation powdered milk to your mashed potatoes and other dishes to get extra protein. Drinks like Boost with extra protein 1-2 times a day (in addition to meals, not as a replacement) help. If you find it difficult to eat a full meal, you can have several small meals throughout the day. This also helps with nausea. Heavy foods can cause nausea, so you may want to limit them. The nausea usually hits 2-3 days after treatment. So keep that in mind when you schedule your time.

My biggest advice is to be kind to yourself. My husband made a little reminder: "It's okay to do nothing!" Rest when you feel like it. Don't put too many expectations on yourself. Ask for help when you need it. Our neighbors started taking the trash from the garage to the curb and returning the cans at the end of the day. It was a huge help. People will offer to help. Accept it!

I wish you the best of luck on your journey.

Oops, I just saw that you are completing your chemo! Oh well, maybe this will help someone else.


H Lisa - thank you for thinking about me. It’s much appreciated. I did get my 4th and final chemo last week. This time they made some adjustments and decreased amount of Carboplatin and kept me on steroids for an extra few days. Plus I got a shot of B12 which apparently boosts the chemo and gives some energy. I actually feel pretty good this time around. I did get approved for radiation which was up in the air due to size of lung mass. I do get another scan in two weeks but even so based on last scan they are willing to go forward with it. I hope there won’t be a lot of side effects from radiation but I’m thankful that I’m eligible. I consult with radiologist on May 4th. I also joined a local lung cancer support group through my hospital and I’ve met with them once so far. Lots of people staged at 4 in their diagnosis and still going strong a few years later. One lady diagnosed stage 4 almost 12 years ago. Amazing ❤️. Gives me hope. I’m stage 3c diagnosed 4 months ago. So thankful for the support. We are all in this together. 💜

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@detroitmom23, I was excited to see your recent post on a different thread! I hope you are doing well. This is never easy, and still hits me in waves as I go through the cycle of scans and months-off from scans. I'm doing well with no new issues. Are you through the bulk of your treatment? Have you had scans to access the effectiveness up to this point?

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