Change in color of urine

Posted by sdscotti @sdscotti, Aug 21, 2024

I thought I would post this just to tell a story. I am almost 67 years old. I moved to Austria a couple of years ago. I am a former Diagnostic Radiologist, but I left practice in 2013 because I burned out. Anyways, it is helpful (or not) to have that medical background in my old age.

It has been very hot recently in Austria. I have also been working out regularly at a gym. I do have a history of kidney stones at least a few times, but only once really with renal colic. All of the other times I really just noticed blood in my urine, although it was just darker or brown and not really red. That has happened again.

I am inclined to just try conservative measures, like drinking a lot more water and perhaps adjusting my diet.

However, maybe I should go see my doctor here in Austria ? They would probably just confirm that I have blood in my urine, and then we would launch down some diagnostic pathway to figure out if it is related to a renal stone. Something similar happened when I was in practice. I did have stone, but it was like only a few mm in size, stuck in the ureter, with minimal hydronephrosis. I have to say, I was not treated very well in the ER where I actually worked until they realized I was on staff. I did not point that out to them because I wanted to see how they treat some random idiot with a kidney stone, although I did tell them I probably had a kidney stone.

I also recent 'failed' a colonoscopy in Austria, not because of a bad prep, but because of a technically challenging exam.

The USA still has some of the best health care available if one has insurance or can otherwise get access to care and pay for it.

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You may indeed have a stone, or nephritis, or cystitis, or uremia, or cancer...I'll stop wondering which when you do. 😀

We don't know which of your two kidneys is affected, or if they're both affected due to chronic dehydration. You certainly could try another two glasses of water each day and see if things improve. Or consult your physician about the change....which is almost never a bad idea.


Blood is never good in the urine. I can hear my doctor say that and remember from all i read. At this stage in my life, i would certainly reach out to a doctor. I believe you said you did go to one in Austria. I cannot imagine taking my body and moving it to another country and to not have a doctor right away. That said, I had a bone marrow transplant in April and my creatinine level is the thing that i have had the most trouble with. Water and more water. I drink 100 ozs daily. More but rarely less. My doctor told me at about 30 days past transplant that i am killing my kidneys. sdscotti...Take care of those kidneys. Increase the water, yet if a Dr visit or call is possible, please do it.


have you considered having a metabolic panel done Dark urine can by a symptom of sveral issues.


It could be anything! Please have it checked!

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