Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (cvst)

Posted by brittalisse @brittalisse, Jul 14, 2011

I was diagnosed with a CVST a year and a half ago. I've been doing well, but it is always on my mind. It is quite rare and I'm interested in hearing stories from anyone who has been through something similar.

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It seems as though I am not susceptible to blood clots. Lupus work was negative. The hematologist thinks that it was due to a sinus infection that I had in November. Feels as if my body was protecting the brain and formed a clot to block the infection. I wonder has anyone heard of this before?

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I'm sure you are relieved that the blood work came back negative. You sound like a very active and involved person. Are you feeling better now with the treatment you are getting?

How do you feel about the doctor's theory about the clot blocking infection to the brain?

If you are at all unsure or have any more symptoms, I would encourage you to get a second opinion at a major university medical school or facility like Mayo Clinic. These types of health centers are the very best to diagnose unusual disorders and they can often be done by a virtual appointment.

Will you post again and let me know how you are doing?


Brockman1, what a shock. Thank goodness you got help right away. I'm hoping fellow members like @makingfriends @timw6 @moondusk @awa @kiwimn17 @kyglo @pattylynn can share their experiences with fatigue and CVST or blood thinners.

Brockman, how did the further blood studies go? Any updates?

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It seems as though I am not susceptible to blood clots. Lupus work was negative. The hematologist thinks that it was due to a sinus infection that I had in November. Feels as if my body was protecting the brain and formed a clot to block the infection. I wonder has anyone heard of this before?


Hi! So glad to find these posts. I was diagnosed with CVST on Dec. 13, 2021. It truly took me by surprise! I was getting ready to go study at the library and all of a sudden my vision was challenged. I started seeing black and white lines moving like a heatwave with a great deal of distortion. Called the nurse and she told me to get to the nearest hospital. Took a Uber and they took me immediately. I am now on Pradaxa after being hospitalized and diagnosed with CVST after MRI and aggressive dose of Heparin, then Lovenox. Under the care of a neurologist. I go today for further blood test studies. My question to some of you is if you felt fatigued while on blood thinners or is this a symptom of CVST? I just don't feel myself. It was very helpful reading your posts. I am 59 years old and in seminary. A very active woman with no diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease. I am not obese and I stay active. No estrogen issues. They are still running tests to try to figure out the "why?" God bless you for this site.

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Brockman1, what a shock. Thank goodness you got help right away. I'm hoping fellow members like @makingfriends @timw6 @moondusk @awa @kiwimn17 @kyglo @pattylynn can share their experiences with fatigue and CVST or blood thinners.

Brockman, how did the further blood studies go? Any updates?


Hi! So glad to find these posts. I was diagnosed with CVST on Dec. 13, 2021. It truly took me by surprise! I was getting ready to go study at the library and all of a sudden my vision was challenged. I started seeing black and white lines moving like a heatwave with a great deal of distortion. Called the nurse and she told me to get to the nearest hospital. Took a Uber and they took me immediately. I am now on Pradaxa after being hospitalized and diagnosed with CVST after MRI and aggressive dose of Heparin, then Lovenox. Under the care of a neurologist. I go today for further blood test studies. My question to some of you is if you felt fatigued while on blood thinners or is this a symptom of CVST? I just don't feel myself. It was very helpful reading your posts. I am 59 years old and in seminary. A very active woman with no diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease. I am not obese and I stay active. No estrogen issues. They are still running tests to try to figure out the "why?" God bless you for this site.


@steeldove shared the following article that I thought may provide some information for members following this discussion.

Half of those with rare COVID-19 vaccine-induced thrombotic syndrome have CVST: https://www.healio.com/news/neurology/20211011/half-of-those-with-rare-covid19-vaccineinduced-thrombotic-syndrome-have-cvst


Hello Theresa.
I'm a street musician in New Orleans. This pandemic as you know put the brakes on society so being cooped up I decided to attack this problem. I've seen countless doctors over the years to no avail.
The first thing I tried was eliminating processed food/junk, what I really mean is sugar. That's not an easy thing to do. Candy, cornflakes, tinned food and all the rest of that stuff is easy enough, but excess non refined sugar hides all over the place. I allowed myself berries and an occasional banana. Also chocolate with Stevia.
That improved my speech and conversation. It really works. Refined sugar is not a good thing. But although I felt better things were still wrong.
Insulin resistance had been ruled out, two endochrynologists said my hormones were fine.
So I went after the liver. Milk thistle, zinc, saw palmetto, thiamine, choline, b12, NAC... I got these off the shelf at Whole Foods. It was all hit and miss but I only have myself.
Anyway I seemed to have nudged my condition but things still weren't right. Back to the net.
Wandering through endless articles on brain fog and balance issues I stumbled on Ammonia. This is another hidden ranger. Excess ammonia causes hepatic encephalopathy. Those symptoms looked pretty close to mine. So off I went after that. Problem was Lactulose is the only viable solution but it needs a prescription. So I rang up a vet saying I needed some for my dog. They didn't buy it so I went to the hospital and told them I had hepatic encephalopathy. I got three weeks worth. When I needed refills they wouldn't give me any until I had my blood taken. My Ammonia level was 45 which is boundary high. I stayed on Lactulose for three months then went back to the hospital and my level was 22. But I still knew I was not feeling better. You can con yourself with that placebo effect for only so long. But encephalopathy was a step forward. It looked good. Back to the net.
Hidden in another article was Brain Hypoxia. This has its own encephalopathy. It was a shock. I always subconsciously hoped it wasnt my brain. That scares me.
The article also mentioned stroke and carbon monoxide, an evil thing I have worked around for years.
I had an MRI and it was normal. My NP gave me the news over the phone. She seemed busy as we spoke, "Well, is there anything else I can do for you honey?" Nurses are wonderful but I was feeling a little abandoned but I persevered. I asked for an EEG. I haven't got my appointment yet.
A few days ago I was on the phone to my buddy in Boston. He said he had got the vaccine. First thing I was concerned about was J+J, he has had problems with clots. But he got the Moderna. He casually mentioned the side effects name. Two words struck me. Sinus and cerebral.
Only recently I was talking to a retired nurse. I told her I only feel better when I know I have a cold coming on.
I was always under the impression a cold was the lungs but she mentioned the sinus.
Then I found CVTS.
As things stand right now I'm waiting for an EEG. I could be wrong but if I ever find this thing I know I'm a lot closer than I was a year ago.
So that's the basic outline Theresa. If anybody has any questions about anything I have experienced I'm right here always. Nothing is off limits, this is too important.
Thank you

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I got the Moderna in mid Febr, and was hospitalized with CVST in April. Recently had another CT scan and the clot has not gotten smaller , after being on blood thinners for 6 months


Anyone with CVST who can tell me if their CVST got smaller over time on their scans or not? I have Kaiser insurance and went online to try to find a vascular neurologist to try to get an appointment for a 2nd opinion, but could not find a vascular neurologist in Kaiser. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Hello everyone, I'm a young 25 y/o female and I was diagnosed with CVST in September last year. I had severe headache and vomiting. I had dehydration. Went to ER for dehydration on Sunday. Mentioned about my headaches also, they ignored it saying could be any common cold. Came back, same state. Headache, nausea, vomiting for 3 days, until my body have up and I had a seizure attack on early Thursday morning. I never had that before. That's when my bf called up 911 and they took me to hospital where they did CT scan and found CVST. Confirmed it by MRI and MRA. I was on blood thinners for 4 months and now my clot have dissolved. I still worry that they might come back. Because it was very scary experience at this young age.
The reason given for it was: birth control , dehydration, I had taken a flight 2 weeks prior to the onset of headaches so doc said that could also contribute.

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You said that "now my clot have dissolved"------does that mean it no longer shows on the scan?
In April I got diagnosed with CVST. While in the hospital, the neurologist said that in 6 months we hope it would be smaller. I recently had another scan. When I saw the same neurologist, he said it has not gotten smaller, and he wouldn't expect it to get smaller. He said it was "stable" and that blood was getting through it. He compared it to a scar on his finger: that it healed but still has a scar. My adult daughter was with me both times. She, too, remembers that in April he said he would expect it to look smaller on the scan, and now he is saying that he doesn't. He says that I can go off the blood thinners in a month. I am afraid to go off of them because: 1. the discrepancy in what he said; 2. my brother died this past year when he was taken off blood thinners for an outpatient procedure of kidney stones; 3. I was diagnosed in Febr. with skin Lupus (my aunt died of Lupus many years ago) and I've read that blood clots can be related to Lupus.


Hello everyone,

I’m so sorry to hear so many of you are having a hard time.

Could I ask if you had MRIs with or without contrast with your diagnoses?

Thank you!

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Both. First the standard MRI before I was admitted to the hospital and later the MRI with contrast by night or next day, for a detailed scan or whatever the use is.
But even for the checkup after 4 months, they had done both MRI's for the report.


Hello @awa and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I understand you were diagnosed with CVST last year. Thank you for sharing your story and I can only imagine that you are concerned about more clots in the future.

Are you still on blood thinners? How is your general health now that your clots have dissolved?

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Hi Amanda,
I'm on 81mg asprin daily dose for another 6 months. My doc said I could continue the asprin for little longer if my headaches return after stopping it, but that's optional.
During my time on Apixaban, I had noticed a few blue/black bruises on my body multiple times. After starting Asprin, I again kept seeing random blue/black bruises. The six said with Apixaban the bruises were expected, but not with asprin. So currently multiple blood tests have been done to check for some clotting disorder. I'm yet to hear back on this.. hopefully nothing serious.

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