Cerebellum Atrophy
My husband has been diagnosed with cerebral atrophy. Is there anyone with similar diagnosis? In January of 1915 he was given 3 to 4 years to live.
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Hello, I have undergone 2 MRI's and several blood tests, XRays, etc. No help! Alex
I do not have a gene for hydrocephalus. My genetic test results are normal.
Update - this morning my cardio called and they scheduled me to have an implantable loop inserted on Monday. I am pleased at how responsible my whole care team has been.
@oldkarl - Thanks for the great info.
I will be looking at to learn more about hydrocephalus. Since my grandsons were born with it, I have ben hungry for more information.
Your words "legitimate info"are so true. There issue much information to sift through and so much of it is "noise"
I know your posts will help others.
Larry H
@larryh123 Hi, @larryh Thanks for your query. As a quick answer, http://www.omim.org/entry/hydrocephalus should give you a lot of 'stuff' on the 500+ genes OMIM lists for involvement in hydrocephalus. Some are recessive, most are dominant. This source is free, and targeted toward professionals, but I am on it almost every day. Another great source is Jackson Lab's human phenotype O (I cannot right now remember the word for O) http://hpo.jax.org for hydrocephalus. Jackson is quite proud of their work in this, and rightfully so. These two will lead you toward legitimate info on almost any gene. More later. oldkarl
Hello Howard and Noreen:
I can understand about being frustrated trying to find people that share the diagnosis cerebellum brain atrophy.
I an working to do some research on this.
Yourself and @pettis are looking information and others to connect with.
Colleen has tagged many of the folks that have chimed in on this thread to bring those folks back to share any updates, things they may have learned and for support.
How long did it take you from the time you saw the doc to the time of diagnosis?
Larry H
Thanks for the info and willingness to share info on your conditions and giving potential info for @pettis
I will share a little. Both of my grandsons were born with hydrocephalus They were able to shunt both of them in their first week of life. One is 5 and is thriving. The other is 3 months and doing well.
I am intrigued by the gene you mentioned for the hydrocephalus. Is that an Autosomal recessive type of gene?
Larry H
At this point I'm limiting my activity somewhat. Today's EKG showed some differences from the last but it could be that my blood pressure was so low and my heart was working harder. I'll feel better once I get the holter monitor results. Thanks for asking.
Keith, I do hope that you'll get answer soon to the root cause. That sure must've hurt to take such hard falls on hard surfaces. Until you're able to get things figured out, what precautions are you taking to prevent further falls? A walking aid?
Not great. I lost my balance and fell on my patio on Sat. and then passed out and did a face plant in my yard Sunday resulting in a bloody nose and an ambulance ride to the hospital. EKG this pm and another MRI and holter monitor. Trying to figure out f is my CAD or white matter disease causing all these problems. I'm hoping it's cardio because then there might be something they can do for me.