Cerebellum Atrophy
My husband has been diagnosed with cerebral atrophy. Is there anyone with similar diagnosis? In January of 1915 he was given 3 to 4 years to live.
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DBT therapy is an option. Is everything I knew deep done just reinforced & applied to life. Good luck!
Sorry for this news, Danielle. I wish I had anything to offer, but it's well outside my knowledge base. About the best you can do is to seek some help verbalizing your concerns with perhaps a social worker, good friend...anyone who will listen and maybe put their brain to work to help you to get on top of this better than you're managing right now. It's hard to be patient when things are going wrong, and when you feel helpless.
If it helps the least little bit, you're syntax and expression style are really great....so despite a slight cognitive impairment, you sound good in my humble judgement. 😀
I was recently diagnosed with significant cerebral atrophy which is not related to dementia or Alzheimer’s although I was also diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment. I suffered a very severe TBI in 1997 and a more minor one in 2015 that are thought to be the cause. I’m wondering if anyone can help with what to expect. I’m a mess of emotions and anxiety right now since I have to wait another year to get a timeframe but the symptoms are severe enough to require the neurologist appointment according to my PCP and a personal call from the doctor to give the diagnosis instead of a nurse. Any advice is truly appreciated!!
Hi, I have a son who has cerebellum atrophy. He is going 33 . He has t h e same . Taking meds for it but really from what I have ga t here's it's a progressive .
No I don't know much on it but hoping I can piggy back on your comment to find answers on my question. I guess that's ok huh? Maybe help u too. I'm 60 yrs old. I have a daughter who is in her middle 40s. She had a aneurysm towards the back to side of her head. Dr. Clipped it for the 2nd time which was unexpected. She is surviving today. Here's the strange part. I have a daughter who is almost 32. Several years ago after older child had hers my other daughter had the same thing happen.. same side of head, same position and as well she also is in her recovery and has seizures but not the older of the 2. Only other family member who had a aneurysm in his stomach and survived with no outcome, he passed from breathing issues and old age. He survived. I ' knock on wood' haven't been a aneurysm patient. Should I be concerned for my other child or my grandkids ?
@cara8895, the time waiting in limbo is the worst. Have you been able to secure an appointment with a neurologist in the meantime? How are you doing?
I also have brain atrophy, just diagnosed accidentilly by CT scaqn when I went to immediate care because of an extreme headache in September 2023, I still have not seen a neurologist and don't have appt until late August, 2024 My PCP says it can either be mental or physical problem [or both] Have searched the internet to try to see what to expect. The literature I have found leads me to think it might be Parkinson's. Although, none of them mentioned brain atrophy. I have had falls for many years and I am 88 yr old, live alone. I am anxious to get a diagnosis, since I think the brain atrophy is just a symptom. Anyone else out there waiting in limbo to get into a neurologist.
Hello, I have a son who has cerebral brain atrophy. He's 32, severe tremors , speech difficulty sometimes you can't understand what he's saying, his legs also give out while he is walking. He seems to forget things easily or can't remember times at all. .
My dear friend was just diagnosed with severe cerebral atrophy after MRI’s post-stroke. This is not a hopeful post because he died after about 6 weeks due to stroke induced dysphasia which eventually led to pneumonia and he/family declined a feeding tube. He would have needed it permanently. What I can say is I think this atrophy caused his personality changes over the years. He had underlying Bipolar disorder too so it was very complicated. But we met in 2007, travelled to many countries and remained friends living in the same apartment complex but in separate apartments. He became increasingly hard to be with. He tried hard to keep up by reading and using his laptop which helped no doubt. He continued playing cribbage and doing Tai Chi with his group weekly as soon as Covid restrictions allowed. His intellect remained but his personality became very rigid until the stroke. Then his short term memory was severely impacted. Even with all our differences I miss him deeply and feel he left too soon. He was a wonderful companion in so many ways.
Did you take any vaccines during that time and if so, did your symptom start after taking a vaccine?