Central sensitization syndrome and treatment?
I have had ongoing spinal issues and had 2 major surgeries almost a year ago. Since then I have ongoing pain. Last October, I was told that I had other possibilities for my pain. Last week I saw a doctor at the pain clinic who does believe I have central sensitization syndrome. Can anyone shed any light on how they feel, symptoms, and any non-drug treatments?
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I have gone thru the same journey as you describe with very similar experiences and thoughts. I’ve been battling CPS along with fibro and other painful diagnoses that were probably the precipitators to my extreme pain & fatigue. Anyways, it took me many years of my own research to finally come to the conclusion to which you’ve explained so perfectly. Honestly, I wish I had someone to explain it to me just like this many years ago. I hope this helps others understand it better and validate that it’s not in their head. It’s scary, lonely and extremely hard to cope with 24/7. But we have no choice other than to fight and hold on to hope that there will be further developments into finding betters ways to tackle the pain and other hard-to-live-with symptoms caused from having CPS. Hugs to you and others struggling to find answers and to living with CPS.