Does CBD oil help you with your depression and/or anxiety?

Posted by lalyfa @lalyfa, Feb 24, 2018

I am curious to know if anyone has had success with CBD or Hemp oil helping with depression/anxiety? I’ve been reading a lot about it and am curious.
I've been reading about this and am very interested but would like thoughts/opinions from anyone who has actually tried it or knows someone who has. TIA

Thank you,

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Depression & Anxiety Support Group.


Thank you and right back at you!
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

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Thank you for sharing your experience with anxiety with us. Thank for the humor you were able to put there. I have kinda/sorta lost my humor, but can appreciate others. I too have severe anxiety and depression. I maintained with medication fairly well. My husband died on Jan. 7 2018 and since then the depression, along with anxiety is wearing my old butt down. One hour I am ok, next hour the roof collapses. In this old house it probably will. I am on elavil 50mg at night for sleep and fibromyalcia. The pain is real and the elavil is now being used for the fibro pain. Within the last 3 months I was put on Lexapro 37.5. I do have my medical marijuana card (suggested by my primary doctor whom I love). I have tried various products, but the THC brings on anxiety. I openly admit that I wish I could get the mellow state some pot smokers get. Maybe down the road. I am using CBD oil and I believe it is working for anxiety. I can't say that 100%, but I have fewer bouts of nausea. A question- is anyone on Lexapro who is not trying to come off and is it helping. I have no adverse reactions thus far, except for weight gain , which is adverse. Thank you. Didn't man to rant.


Thank you for sharing your experience with anxiety with us. Thank for the humor you were able to put there. I have kinda/sorta lost my humor, but can appreciate others. I too have severe anxiety and depression. I maintained with medication fairly well. My husband died on Jan. 7 2018 and since then the depression, along with anxiety is wearing my old butt down. One hour I am ok, next hour the roof collapses. In this old house it probably will. I am on elavil 50mg at night for sleep and fibromyalcia. The pain is real and the elavil is now being used for the fibro pain. Within the last 3 months I was put on Lexapro 37.5. I do have my medical marijuana card (suggested by my primary doctor whom I love). I have tried various products, but the THC brings on anxiety. I openly admit that I wish I could get the mellow state some pot smokers get. Maybe down the road. I am using CBD oil and I believe it is working for anxiety. I can't say that 100%, but I have fewer bouts of nausea. A question- is anyone on Lexapro who is not trying to come off and is it helping. I have no adverse reactions thus far, except for weight gain , which is adverse. Thank you. Didn't man to rant.

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Hello, @summertime4 - I'm very sorry to hear about your husband's passing. I can imagine the depression might be wearing through this time, as you said, along with anxiety.

I wanted to recommend a few discussions here on Connect you may want to check out:

- on loss and grief

- on fibromyalgia pain

- on starting/taking Lexapro and benefits, side effects

I also wanted you to meet @mamacita.

You mentioned taking amitriptyline (Elavil) for sleep and fibromyalgia. Will you share a bit more about your challenges with sleep (e.g., challenges getting to sleep, staying asleep, sleeping in daytime hours rather than nighttime)?


mamacita from summertime4 I have a trouble sleeping getting to asleep and staying asleep. Also the pain from the fibromyalgia would keep me or wake me up. I was even given Remeron and I take a .05 klonopin. I still could not sleep. I went to my doctor in tears and told him I could not do this much longer. He at first talked about gabapenton (can't spell and this computer hits letters 2 times) I had was prescribed gabapenton in the past and I did not see any results. So he said Elavil which is an old antidepressant and I had taken it years ago. The dose is not high for pain. Started on 25 mg and now on 50mg for over a month and that is where I hope to stay. Yes , it does help. I can't say the pain is completely gone all the time is much better. I am sleeping better. I will wake up several times have some water and go back to bed. In the past when I woke up I stayed up because I did not go back to sleep. I also use CBD oil at night. The sadness and grief also make the fibromyalgia much worse. As soon as an emotion hits the pain takes over. One minute good have a feeling and wham there is pain. I must say the elavil does make me tired during the day or at least I think that is it. My pain management doctor said the reason he does not often prescribed is because of the day time tiredness. However if I am not able to take a nap I can function. Emotions play such a part in our pain and other physical problems. Please do not hesitate to ask more questions. If I can be a help to anyone I will. I admit I am very distraught thinking about the holidays without my husband for the first time. Please pray for me as I will be praying for all of you.


Thank you for sharing your experience with anxiety with us. Thank for the humor you were able to put there. I have kinda/sorta lost my humor, but can appreciate others. I too have severe anxiety and depression. I maintained with medication fairly well. My husband died on Jan. 7 2018 and since then the depression, along with anxiety is wearing my old butt down. One hour I am ok, next hour the roof collapses. In this old house it probably will. I am on elavil 50mg at night for sleep and fibromyalcia. The pain is real and the elavil is now being used for the fibro pain. Within the last 3 months I was put on Lexapro 37.5. I do have my medical marijuana card (suggested by my primary doctor whom I love). I have tried various products, but the THC brings on anxiety. I openly admit that I wish I could get the mellow state some pot smokers get. Maybe down the road. I am using CBD oil and I believe it is working for anxiety. I can't say that 100%, but I have fewer bouts of nausea. A question- is anyone on Lexapro who is not trying to come off and is it helping. I have no adverse reactions thus far, except for weight gain , which is adverse. Thank you. Didn't man to rant.

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Hello,@summertime4, it is so nice to meet you! My name is @mamacita here at Mayo Clinic Connect. It was recommended to me that we might want to connect, and now I believe I see why. Goodness gracious, but you have been through so very much.

Just one of the many issues and circumstances would be enough to knock someone off their feet. But when you fell, you got right back up. If you are anything like me at all, you have no choice. You have to.

I have seen enough of the goodness and beauty in this world to know that life is indeed worth living. I have lost people I dearly loved and experienced the trauma of drug addicted children. I have been threatened by gang members and have them draw their guns in front of my ten year old. I was diagnosed with cancer which did not kill me.

Having to live without one's mate has got to be one of the absolute worst experiences that anyone can go through. To endure that, in the face of debilitating conditions, requires the strength and the faith of a strong woman/man. I absolutely believe that you will work through every single one of your medical issues. And I know that I know that I know that you will find your people. And together you will be an unshakable force for good in this world.

Blessings and light, hugs and hope to you! I would love it if you would contact me or respond here. I am here on Connect on many different places. Looking forward to talking with you on here!



Hello,@summertime4, it is so nice to meet you! My name is @mamacita here at Mayo Clinic Connect. It was recommended to me that we might want to connect, and now I believe I see why. Goodness gracious, but you have been through so very much.

Just one of the many issues and circumstances would be enough to knock someone off their feet. But when you fell, you got right back up. If you are anything like me at all, you have no choice. You have to.

I have seen enough of the goodness and beauty in this world to know that life is indeed worth living. I have lost people I dearly loved and experienced the trauma of drug addicted children. I have been threatened by gang members and have them draw their guns in front of my ten year old. I was diagnosed with cancer which did not kill me.

Having to live without one's mate has got to be one of the absolute worst experiences that anyone can go through. To endure that, in the face of debilitating conditions, requires the strength and the faith of a strong woman/man. I absolutely believe that you will work through every single one of your medical issues. And I know that I know that I know that you will find your people. And together you will be an unshakable force for good in this world.

Blessings and light, hugs and hope to you! I would love it if you would contact me or respond here. I am here on Connect on many different places. Looking forward to talking with you on here!


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Mamacita Thank you for giving me an uplift by believing that I will be able to give and receive light in this world. I am on shaky ground at times. I do attend a grief support group with Hospice. The people who work for Hospice are so compassionate and understanding. They came to my aid shortly after my husband died. I was seeing a counselor one on one at the start and she felt it was better for me to start the group at this time. It is a 6 week group and we are on week 5. Next week will be Thanksgiving so of course no group. My counselor also prompted me to take care of my physical self as I was suffering with much pain. Have you ever been prescribed Elavil for pain and/or depression. I believe it would be good to look into it. I will certainly continue to take part in this group and it is recommended that I look into other topics such as grief and fibromyalgia. I will follow that direction also.


Hello @summertime4

While I see that this post was directed to @mamacita, I just noticed that you were thinking of joining Connect's discussion group on Grief and Loss. Here is the link to take you to this discussion,

I think you will find it very helpful. The group members are very supportive of each other.


Mamacita Thank you for giving me an uplift by believing that I will be able to give and receive light in this world. I am on shaky ground at times. I do attend a grief support group with Hospice. The people who work for Hospice are so compassionate and understanding. They came to my aid shortly after my husband died. I was seeing a counselor one on one at the start and she felt it was better for me to start the group at this time. It is a 6 week group and we are on week 5. Next week will be Thanksgiving so of course no group. My counselor also prompted me to take care of my physical self as I was suffering with much pain. Have you ever been prescribed Elavil for pain and/or depression. I believe it would be good to look into it. I will certainly continue to take part in this group and it is recommended that I look into other topics such as grief and fibromyalgia. I will follow that direction also.

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Sorry it is so late,@summertime4. We ended up taking forever at the car rental. And dinner, etc, etc. I do take a couple of meds for depression. They work pretty well for the most part. Cymbalta is helpful for Fibromyalgia. I belong to several support groups and do volunteer work as much as I can.

I am so glad you have so much going on. Taking care of ourselves, helping others, and learning all we can goes a long way towards having a balanced approach to life.I look forward to seeing you on here as you are able to do so.

You have authentic, thoughtful things to say. We need more of you here! Talk to you soon!



To everyone on this site: Is anyone experiencing heightened anxiety and more bouts of nausea/diaherea during this holiday season. As much as I enjoy the family gatherings, I feel ill at the thought of the effort. It seems as if all the challenges of life have worn out the parts of me that allow me to roll with flow. Maybe at 73 I can’t expect to respond with the same resilience I once enjoyed?


Tmf0: see my latest post on this site. How are you doing?


To everyone on this site: Is anyone experiencing heightened anxiety and more bouts of nausea/diaherea during this holiday season. As much as I enjoy the family gatherings, I feel ill at the thought of the effort. It seems as if all the challenges of life have worn out the parts of me that allow me to roll with flow. Maybe at 73 I can’t expect to respond with the same resilience I once enjoyed?

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@annedodrill44 sorry to hear your dealing with heightened anxiety over holidays. Try to enjoy the time you will have with your family. The only family I have now are my husband, daughter, son and granddaughter. So holidays are not too stressful. We really don’t even get together anymore due to work schedules and I just don’t care for the holidays since my mom passed last year. My anxiety has been pretty constant on a daily basis. Still waiting on cbd oil to arrive.

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