CAR-T Cell Therapy: Introduce yourself and connect with others

Welcome to the CAR-T Cell Therapy group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet people who have experience with CAR-T cell therapy or are caring for someone on CAR-T cell therapy. There are so few people who have experience with this new cancer immunotherapy. Together we can learn from each other, support one another and share stories about living with cancer and coping with the challenges of treatment.

Let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? When did you or your family start therapy? How are you doing today?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) & CAR-T Cell Therapy Support Group.

Hello everyone,
I have stage 2 multiple myeloma and will be starting a clinical trial for Car T-cell therapy. I have not yet started any treatment and will not know for a a while if I will be randomized to received the Car T-cell therapy. I will be following along on this site and updating as I progress. Good luck to all!


Hello, I am currently not receiving any cancer treatments. Just a PET scan every 6-8 months to keep an eye on things. I feel lucky and blessed beating cancer twice now. Thank goodness for CAR-T


I'm looking for studies on Car-T or other antibody treatment for ovarian cancer- high serous? I've read that Car-T is not being used on solid tumors but recently heard of a very small study in Australia. Anything in the States? Treatments in addition to taxol and carboplatin?


@363, it sounds like treatment is working for your sister with tumors shrinking and even disappearing. I know that worry sets in quickly when there is an anomoly on a PET scan. Has she had the biopsy in the meantime? What were the results?

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Unfortunately the Car-t failed and the cancer has progressed and new tumors..She is currently in ICU on a ventilator and no treatment plan. Seems all failed her..Chemo, Radiation, Car-T , Steroids, praying she can come off the vent and get some sort of treatment..anyone have any advise it would appreciated,


Unfortunately the Car-t failed and the cancer has progressed and new tumors..She is currently in ICU on a ventilator and no treatment plan. Seems all failed her..Chemo, Radiation, Car-T , Steroids, praying she can come off the vent and get some sort of treatment..anyone have any advise it would appreciated,

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Thank You


Unfortunately the Car-t failed and the cancer has progressed and new tumors..She is currently in ICU on a ventilator and no treatment plan. Seems all failed her..Chemo, Radiation, Car-T , Steroids, praying she can come off the vent and get some sort of treatment..anyone have any advise it would appreciated,

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I am so sorry to hear that. It is difficult to understand how treatments help some and yet not others. The only suggestion I can offer is to keep her as comfortable as possible and if possible get another opinion on her prognosis.


I am so sorry to hear that. It is difficult to understand how treatments help some and yet not others. The only suggestion I can offer is to keep her as comfortable as possible and if possible get another opinion on her prognosis.

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Thank you so much..We did get good news today after 18 days on a ventilator she passed the test and they will now start to ween her off it..prayed for this and now will pray for more miracles..


Thank you so much..We did get good news today after 18 days on a ventilator she passed the test and they will now start to ween her off it..prayed for this and now will pray for more miracles..

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Thank you so much


Thank you so much..We did get good news today after 18 days on a ventilator she passed the test and they will now start to ween her off it..prayed for this and now will pray for more miracles..

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That is absolutely wonderful news, I hope things continue on a positive path for all of you.


That is absolutely wonderful news, I hope things continue on a positive path for all of you.

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Thank you again so much..JoAnn just came on ventilator a few hours ago and is now on BPAP for 4 hours for transition...praying and praying she will be able to breathe with just nose piece soon..very much appreciate your kindness.

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