Can you have Meniierse Disease without an attack of vertigo?

Posted by snoopy108 @snoopy108, Apr 2, 2023

My ear went muffled with a ringing in my right ear Feb.28th. Prior to that my ears went muffled in Dec and last October but I was able to stick my finger in my ear and it re opened. The other time I went to bed and it was opened the next morning. I do suffer from vertigo . I’ve had that since 2010/11 and Never had any ear problems in all those years. My question is can I have Meniierse disease without any vertigo attacks? I went to an ENT and he gave me a hearing test and measured the pressure in my ears . Both were very good. I also had an ear infection that I never knew I had and was treated. The ent found no more infection , no fluid behind the ear drum and my esthachen tubes were fine. Im praying this isn’t Meniierse. So can I God forbid have it even though I haven’t had any vertigo attacks ? Thank you in advance.

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I’ve had Meniere’s for about 10 years during which I’ve had 2-3 years of remission when I had no vertigo attacks. I think your ENT is the one to diagnose whether it’s Meniere’s or something else.
Best of luck, may you never be revisited with vertigo!


I should add that when my regular ENT doctor suspected that I might have Meniere’s she referred me to a specialist, a neurotologist and he is the one who did extensive testing and even now, years later I go to him for regular check ups.

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