Can Wellbutrin cause REM sleep disorders?

Posted by ralphy47 @ralphy47, Nov 7, 2022

I know that antidepressants can cause REM sleep disorders, but I can't find Wellbutrin listed as a potential culprit.

My concern is an early symptom of Dementi with Lewy Bodies. My father has DLB. I am only 47. I have had 3 very vivid dreams that when I wake up I am aware it was a dream, but I have kicked and literally thrown myself out of bed. I am able to check a lot of the boxes when it comes to symptoms, but I can equally say its stress or medication related. I am trying to rule out the medication as a culprit.

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Hi @ralphy47, it sounds like you've been experiencing REM sleep disturbances and are looking for the cause, including medications. Additionally, you are concerned that your vivid dreams may be a symptom of early dementia of other cognitive decline.

I think you might be interested in the posts that fellow members like @marye2 @brandysparks @pamela51 @billchitwood and others have made in this related discussion:
- My husband has REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD)

Ralph, have you talked to your prescribing doctor about the potential of your symptoms being medication induced and tapering off Wellbutrin or changing medications? As you know, reducing your stress is good for your health. So you might start there. What strategies do you use to reduce tension and stress?

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