Support Group for Those of Us Living With Mild Dementia

Posted by SusanEllen66 @SusanEllen66, Sep 18, 2023

I know there is a Dementia Caregiver Support Group.

I would like to have a group for people like me. I am entering the Mild Dementia phase from Mild Cognitive Impairment.
It’s frightening to think about my future.

Could a group for Dementia Patients be started?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Aging Well Support Group.

Is anyone on here getting the new Alzheimer’s infusion? The risks do seem greater than the benefits to me. How do others feel about this? Seemed like my Neurologist was pushing it, but I’m suspect! She said I tested at MCI with Beta amyloid positive blood test.


Is anyone on here getting the new Alzheimer’s infusion? The risks do seem greater than the benefits to me. How do others feel about this? Seemed like my Neurologist was pushing it, but I’m suspect! She said I tested at MCI with Beta amyloid positive blood test.

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I did the four hour test with a neuropsychologist, as well as an ATN profile blood test and the beta amyloid test and an MRI. I was diagnosed as Mild Neurocognitive Disorder. My Neurologist says the new Medicine has too many risks for too little benefit. And i agree. I didnt engage in this to get the med. i engaged to get a sense of where on the dementia continuum i am.


I agree. It is scary! I’m trying to eat healthy and exercise, but need support somewhere! Getting some from Alzheimer’s Society!


This thread has been out a while. Is the MCI group OP asked the MCI Blog? Lots of side threads since posting but I don't recall seeing the basic question answered.
I was diagnosed in August 2023. I've responded a time or so on this thread with same. Is the question resolved? I see no patient MCI group but for the blog.


This thread has been out a while. Is the MCI group OP asked the MCI Blog? Lots of side threads since posting but I don't recall seeing the basic question answered.
I was diagnosed in August 2023. I've responded a time or so on this thread with same. Is the question resolved? I see no patient MCI group but for the blog.

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Threads can get really confusing as new ones are added in the same parent heading. Not much we can do about that I’m afraid.

What was the central question you hoped to find an answer to?


This thread has been out a while. Is the MCI group OP asked the MCI Blog? Lots of side threads since posting but I don't recall seeing the basic question answered.
I was diagnosed in August 2023. I've responded a time or so on this thread with same. Is the question resolved? I see no patient MCI group but for the blog.

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Hi John
Unfortunately, many postings don’t have a response to a specific person. Like I did here to you. Using the @ plus their “name” gets the response moving forward to the correct person.
There is also the sort arrow, oldest to newest.

Hopefully I was helpful.


Threads can get really confusing as new ones are added in the same parent heading. Not much we can do about that I’m afraid.

What was the central question you hoped to find an answer to?

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You must type the recipient’s address
As I did here.

@ then the recipient’s “name” pb50
If you don’t address the reply it wanders off…


This thread has been out a while. Is the MCI group OP asked the MCI Blog? Lots of side threads since posting but I don't recall seeing the basic question answered.
I was diagnosed in August 2023. I've responded a time or so on this thread with same. Is the question resolved? I see no patient MCI group but for the blog.

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I am the original poster here. My request for a separate Group has not yet been answered by
Mayo Connection.
So all we have now is my suggestion and responses from others.


Threads can get really confusing as new ones are added in the same parent heading. Not much we can do about that I’m afraid.

What was the central question you hoped to find an answer to?

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Please see my response.
Thank you.


If you are responding to a
specific message, please remember to use the person’s “address”
On the first line.

@SusanEllen66 is my address. You need to type their address first. That will keep this thread easier to read.


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