Can walking be accomplished without a hip or hip replacement?

Posted by stargirl13 @stargirl13, Dec 17, 2023

I had to have 8 surgeries this year for a hip replacement which didn’t take due to bacteria. I ended up with MRSA so bad it took many additional surgeries to clean it out over and over, they finally made the decision to just remove the hip replacement and clean it all out again and not replace it. It bought me almost a whole year in a care center and much physical and mental anguish. They don’t want to put another replacement in and I personally don’t want one. I want to live without one , but I’m wondering how do I go about walking again with the assistance of maybe just a cane? I’m currently using a Walker around my house and a wheelchair when I go out shopping or to events, I can’t stand or walk for too long without dealing with major pain. I also have one leg longer than the other now so I am also wondering if a shoe lift could help out my situation in the future if I try and walk with just a cane.

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Hello Sandra...I too am a retired nurse in Michigan, age 71 and nearly 2 years I've been without a left hip. How many years for you? I get around with crutches or walker and hoping to get to a cane someday and feel confident with it. Can I ask how long before you felt good with just a cane? I too have a bit of a shoe husband glues soles we've cut off from other shoes onto my left shoe to even out my legs. He usually adds a flip flop in between the soles too for height and working pretty good for me. Wishing you continued wellness.....Cindy

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Thanks for the tip on the shoes. It's expensive to have done. I've said I was going to try and do it myself. I'm going to give it a try. Good luck.


Hi there....good luck with the shoes! My husband uses shoe glue and then RTV silicone to fill in the gaps and smooth it out. He buys it at the Auto Parts Store. I'll see if I can attach a picture of my shoes. When could you walk with just a cane and feel confident?? Cindy


I did have physical therapy. I can't tell u how long it actually took because actually I can't remember. I will obtain my records and get the actual dates. I had everything but, my house burned. I had a very rough period where I was dx with mysthenia, then a year later when my thymus gland was removed in was cancerous. Then awhile later my hip broke and started that lovely time. At my 5 year release from my cancer series, everything was fine, we did a PET scan , just to be sure, of course it had spread to my liver. Here we go again. I will get the dates ,and maybe that will help. I had physical therapy , with all the bells and whistles. It has not been a fun or easy road , but u can't keep a good girl down, or maybe I just too **** mean. Hope u do well. Hope my story helps a little.

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Thank you Sandra for your post. You've had a big cross to bear and I wish you all the best in your journey to wellness. I've connected with several other nurses that have lost their hip joint for one reason or another. It is sometimes difficult being the 'patient' instead of the caregiver! I'll be praying for you.....Cindy


I had a labreum tear in my hip joint many years ago. I had done it picking up my mom when she had fallen. Approx seven years later my hip was gone. I could not walk and was totally disabled as far as walking. It really hurt. I got a total hip replacement at that time and have had no problems since. It feels like my hip. I am glad that I chose to do the surgery.


I had a labreum tear in my hip joint many years ago. I had done it picking up my mom when she had fallen. Approx seven years later my hip was gone. I could not walk and was totally disabled as far as walking. It really hurt. I got a total hip replacement at that time and have had no problems since. It feels like my hip. I am glad that I chose to do the surgery.

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When you have surgeons that have you left completely butchered after 8 surgeries you have a different feeling about the situation, I’d rather do without .


Bless us all. We are still here and still supporting each other. Best to each and all!!!!


Hi there....good luck with the shoes! My husband uses shoe glue and then RTV silicone to fill in the gaps and smooth it out. He buys it at the Auto Parts Store. I'll see if I can attach a picture of my shoes. When could you walk with just a cane and feel confident?? Cindy

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Thank you sharing these photos, Cindy ! So helpful. I showed them to my husband so he could get an idea of what's coming up for us.


Thank you sharing these photos, Cindy ! So helpful. I showed them to my husband so he could get an idea of what's coming up for us.

Jump to this post are welcome. I can't find your post to know what's going on with your situation but I wish you wellness in the New Year and I pray for all of us that have to go through so much medically/surgically just to keep living as best we can!.......Cindy


Anyone interested in another shoe alternative, could try the "Even up" available on Amazon for about $30. I use it on my tennis shoes right now until I find the right sole I want to glue on. I also used it on my Merrell slides too in the beginning and it worked. I'll try to attach picture also....Cindy


Anyone interested in another shoe alternative, could try the "Even up" available on Amazon for about $30. I use it on my tennis shoes right now until I find the right sole I want to glue on. I also used it on my Merrell slides too in the beginning and it worked. I'll try to attach picture also....Cindy

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This will be helpful!! Thank you!

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