Can PMR be induced by Exercise

Posted by mcarso @mcarso, Oct 7, 2023

Just a theory; I been treated for PMR since April 2023. It began after I stated new exercises for my legs (which I haven’t done for years) mostly the consisted of sumo squats among other exercises. Right after I stated this routine I stated to develop pain in my leg which I just thought was muscle pain, mostly my adductor tendons between the legs were the major problem. This soon spread throughout my legs back shoulders, arms; yo know the symptoms. I was finally diagnosed with PMR in May by my rumo Doctor; placed on 15mg of prednisone and currently done to 7mg. I started my normal weight lifting routine around 4 months ago starting with lifts weights working up to my normal weight. Around a 2 weeks ago I started doing the leg routine again just doing the sumo squats very light weight (10 pounds) working up to 30 pounds. I stopped doing these due to my adductor tendons acting up again.
Could this be the reason why I got the PMR in the first place? Seem very coincidental. Now I run on the elliptical and walk hills all prior to doing these latest sumo squats.
Just throwing this there. I’m 70 years old never had RA or arthritis of any kind all X-rays on joints are normal. My only current pain is very mild in my fingers on both hands in the morning. Weird

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

It is interesting to learn that many health-conscious, avid fitness enthusiasts, who are in otherwise perfect health, have developed PMR.
I, too, was a personal trainer / fitness instructor and (even at my age) I taught 7+ fitness classes per week, prior to getting the Shingrix vaccine. I also was an avid skier, water sports participant, dancer and hiker. I was completely pain free with NO joint issues and very fit prior to getting the Shingrix vaccine.

I was diagnosed with PMR shortly after receiving the Shingrix vaccine in March of 2021.
My rheumatologist suggested that my PMR was adjuvant induced. (triggered by an ingredient in the vaccine that made my immune system chaotic)

My primary care physician recommended getting Shingrix before getting the COVID vaccine in March of 2021. She told me that many of her elderly patients were getting shingles after receiving the COVID vaccine 💉!!
Reluctantly, I took the vax. So did my husband. In fact, We took it on the same day.
He was a bit sore for a few days after the vax, but got better.
Unfortunately, I did NOT. I got worse.
The pain traveled from my arm - up to my shoulder - across my collarbone- into my neck and over to the other shoulder and upper arm. I felt as though the muscles were being ripped off the bone 😳. I didn’t know what was happening to me. I couldn’t figure out what was going on. I was never that sore !!! 🥹
I couldn’t even dress myself nor pick up a plate. I was so sore and stiff. I lost all upper body mobility.
Within a month, I was also sore in the thighs, hips and buttocks. I could barely move and my husband had to help me get up from a chair, off the sofa and out of bed - all day long. I could barely walk. I couldn’t walk up or down stairs. It was a nightmare. I was like a 90 year old woman.
My doctor couldn’t believe what was happening. She sent me to a rheumatologist.
It’s been a horrible journey for me. So many side effects from different DMARD/ Biologics medications. Apparently my body is extremely sensitive to medications. I never knew this because I never needed any medication up to now.
Thankfully I found a wonderful integrative medicine doctor to help me navigate to where I am today.
It’s taken three years, but I am just now starting to have significantly less pain and see some improvement since taking Low Dose Naltrexone. My mobility has improved and the inflammation has decreased.
I’m Not 100 % by any means - but maybe 80% thanks to LDN.

Like I said… this has been a nightmare. 😱. It ruined my life.
I wish I had never taken that vaccine. Now I know !!
NO more vaccines for me. Ever.


Yes, in my opinion, exercise can cause PMR flares. Exercise increases inflammation markers and PMR thrives off of high inflammatory markers. I have come to believe that elevated inflammatory markers create an environment where PMR can flare. I no longer believe that PMR causes elevated inflammatory markers. I have no scientific data to support this, it is strictly personal opinion. What I do know is if I do things that set off my inflammatory markers then PMR is never far behind.

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Interesting thought but what would life look like without exercise, stress, allergies, colds, flu. Everything causes inflammation. I had asthma as kid, still do to some extent. My body produces histamine at just the sight of a cat. inflammation will swell my eyes closed. The older I get stress is hard to cope with. I cant do anything anymore that is by the seat of pants. I cant live knowing it might cause inflammation. I have gone to the gym and lifted weights my whole life. Very heavy at times to develop strength and muscle. I still lift as heavy as I can. PMR slowed me down when I couldnt get out of bed but 4 hrs after the steroid . no pain. I was right back at the gym. Headed there now and have to mow the yard today. But I have no pain and off steroids.


It's amazing isn't it?! .... All of our different personal experiences, all of our different choices for ourselves, and beliefs. Which you would think would generate a lot of data driven studies and conclusions by the scientific and medical community. ....
But nope. As much as Adrenal chemistry and rheumatoid science has developed, I'm just not finding much definitive information on PMR.
If you have.... PLEASE send me the explanation, that is not a "word salad" that explains why so much diveresed experience produces so similar and profoundly difficult results.!
I'm 74. I've participated in large wave surfing in different spots around the world, up until the pre-diagnosis symptoms started 5 years ago after a had surgery (successfully) for kidney cancer, then surgery for snapped Achilles heel, then surgery for a hip replacement, then another. At that time I felt a shift in my brain chemistry they I attributed to anesthesia.
It wasn't till after all those surgeries that I lost 60 lbs in 3 months, became sporadically weak, and experienced a never before depression. ...... PMR.
I choose to make decisions based on quality of life, looking forward to where I want to be with my general body health.
So I continue to exercise (surf ) wherever I can even when I know I'll pay for it. I participate in methods for stimulating Cordisol even though I know until my Prednisone gets down to below 4 mg my body will make very little to no Cordisol on its own.
And I did take a COVID shot, because I knew my immune system would not survive COVID without the shot.


Interesting thought but what would life look like without exercise, stress, allergies, colds, flu. Everything causes inflammation. I had asthma as kid, still do to some extent. My body produces histamine at just the sight of a cat. inflammation will swell my eyes closed. The older I get stress is hard to cope with. I cant do anything anymore that is by the seat of pants. I cant live knowing it might cause inflammation. I have gone to the gym and lifted weights my whole life. Very heavy at times to develop strength and muscle. I still lift as heavy as I can. PMR slowed me down when I couldnt get out of bed but 4 hrs after the steroid . no pain. I was right back at the gym. Headed there now and have to mow the yard today. But I have no pain and off steroids.

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If you are pain free then go for it! I'm simply saying exercising causes inflammation and PMR and inflammation go hand in hand, so listen to your body. Pushing too hard for your body can cause problems. Everyone is different.


It is interesting to learn that many health-conscious, avid fitness enthusiasts, who are in otherwise perfect health, have developed PMR.
I, too, was a personal trainer / fitness instructor and (even at my age) I taught 7+ fitness classes per week, prior to getting the Shingrix vaccine. I also was an avid skier, water sports participant, dancer and hiker. I was completely pain free with NO joint issues and very fit prior to getting the Shingrix vaccine.

I was diagnosed with PMR shortly after receiving the Shingrix vaccine in March of 2021.
My rheumatologist suggested that my PMR was adjuvant induced. (triggered by an ingredient in the vaccine that made my immune system chaotic)

My primary care physician recommended getting Shingrix before getting the COVID vaccine in March of 2021. She told me that many of her elderly patients were getting shingles after receiving the COVID vaccine 💉!!
Reluctantly, I took the vax. So did my husband. In fact, We took it on the same day.
He was a bit sore for a few days after the vax, but got better.
Unfortunately, I did NOT. I got worse.
The pain traveled from my arm - up to my shoulder - across my collarbone- into my neck and over to the other shoulder and upper arm. I felt as though the muscles were being ripped off the bone 😳. I didn’t know what was happening to me. I couldn’t figure out what was going on. I was never that sore !!! 🥹
I couldn’t even dress myself nor pick up a plate. I was so sore and stiff. I lost all upper body mobility.
Within a month, I was also sore in the thighs, hips and buttocks. I could barely move and my husband had to help me get up from a chair, off the sofa and out of bed - all day long. I could barely walk. I couldn’t walk up or down stairs. It was a nightmare. I was like a 90 year old woman.
My doctor couldn’t believe what was happening. She sent me to a rheumatologist.
It’s been a horrible journey for me. So many side effects from different DMARD/ Biologics medications. Apparently my body is extremely sensitive to medications. I never knew this because I never needed any medication up to now.
Thankfully I found a wonderful integrative medicine doctor to help me navigate to where I am today.
It’s taken three years, but I am just now starting to have significantly less pain and see some improvement since taking Low Dose Naltrexone. My mobility has improved and the inflammation has decreased.
I’m Not 100 % by any means - but maybe 80% thanks to LDN.

Like I said… this has been a nightmare. 😱. It ruined my life.
I wish I had never taken that vaccine. Now I know !!
NO more vaccines for me. Ever.

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I had my first introduction to PMR following an adverse reaction to Shringrix. Getting a vaccination is a personal decision.

I have decided that coming down with the flu and possibly setting off a PMR flare is not worth the risk. I am very careful to get the vaccination when I am off of as many meds as possible, especially steroids; have little on my calendar for a few days following and then get only one vaccination within 30-45 days of each other.

I am due now for a Tetanus vaccination, and I really don't want to get sick if I am scratched with a rusty nail, etc. So, again I will time for low impact. I would much prefer to have it now than wait until an accident and need it immediately. For me it's a matter of me controlling the situation.

When it came to Covid it was clear that I did not want to die from Covid - but I still timed the vaccination to meet my calendar. Plus, I stayed there for well over 30 minutes for the first Covid shot.

For me it comes down to my health and timing. I am more proactive than reactive. To each their own decision.


It's amazing isn't it?! .... All of our different personal experiences, all of our different choices for ourselves, and beliefs. Which you would think would generate a lot of data driven studies and conclusions by the scientific and medical community. ....
But nope. As much as Adrenal chemistry and rheumatoid science has developed, I'm just not finding much definitive information on PMR.
If you have.... PLEASE send me the explanation, that is not a "word salad" that explains why so much diveresed experience produces so similar and profoundly difficult results.!
I'm 74. I've participated in large wave surfing in different spots around the world, up until the pre-diagnosis symptoms started 5 years ago after a had surgery (successfully) for kidney cancer, then surgery for snapped Achilles heel, then surgery for a hip replacement, then another. At that time I felt a shift in my brain chemistry they I attributed to anesthesia.
It wasn't till after all those surgeries that I lost 60 lbs in 3 months, became sporadically weak, and experienced a never before depression. ...... PMR.
I choose to make decisions based on quality of life, looking forward to where I want to be with my general body health.
So I continue to exercise (surf ) wherever I can even when I know I'll pay for it. I participate in methods for stimulating Cordisol even though I know until my Prednisone gets down to below 4 mg my body will make very little to no Cordisol on its own.
And I did take a COVID shot, because I knew my immune system would not survive COVID without the shot.

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Seems the medical community has very little data to support a definitive reason behind anything. Probably closer than 100 yrs ago but not sure much. I do not know what caused my PMR , most likely stress. But I refuse to let it rule the roost. I think everyone needs some daily exercise or doing those things they enjoy. Other things like stress reduction, better diet, healthier attitudes I am sure all help. At 72 things are not as easy. I am glad you get your surfing in.


If you are pain free then go for it! I'm simply saying exercising causes inflammation and PMR and inflammation go hand in hand, so listen to your body. Pushing too hard for your body can cause problems. Everyone is different.

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That is a true statement. We are all different.


Seems the medical community has very little data to support a definitive reason behind anything. Probably closer than 100 yrs ago but not sure much. I do not know what caused my PMR , most likely stress. But I refuse to let it rule the roost. I think everyone needs some daily exercise or doing those things they enjoy. Other things like stress reduction, better diet, healthier attitudes I am sure all help. At 72 things are not as easy. I am glad you get your surfing in.

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I hesitate to bring this into the conversation (I am really hesitant) ... But .....
While the medical community from 3,000 years ago can't identify what hormone does what, is can assist in a certain amount cases (at least for mine).
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicines have provided me relief and even gotten me through some really rough periods learning how to navigate the depression that accompanies PMR .
For me it's convenient, my wife is an Acupuncturist, and often does no more than putting five or sticks needles in parts of my ear while I listen to an Audible in the recliner. But she also connected me with a mentor of hers who specializes in herbal medicines. The tonic mixed for me has helped with the weaning down process and other issues that are part of being a 74 year old male.
The process for finding Chinese Medicine Practioners who can successfully help requires more than a Google search. Anyone who wants more details are welcome to message me.
I'm not going to pursue this topic more. As uncharted as the science of PMR is, my Practitioners both agree that they would not recommend eliminating Prednisone. And so this topic as effective as it may be for some, could be a counterproductive to a larger conversation.
For me with this, ... the relief and ability to have more function is not complete, but enough to make a difference.
This forum and you folks are awesome, so I wanted to share this unique experience. Apologies to anyone that thought it weird to bring it up.


It is interesting to learn that many health-conscious, avid fitness enthusiasts, who are in otherwise perfect health, have developed PMR.
I, too, was a personal trainer / fitness instructor and (even at my age) I taught 7+ fitness classes per week, prior to getting the Shingrix vaccine. I also was an avid skier, water sports participant, dancer and hiker. I was completely pain free with NO joint issues and very fit prior to getting the Shingrix vaccine.

I was diagnosed with PMR shortly after receiving the Shingrix vaccine in March of 2021.
My rheumatologist suggested that my PMR was adjuvant induced. (triggered by an ingredient in the vaccine that made my immune system chaotic)

My primary care physician recommended getting Shingrix before getting the COVID vaccine in March of 2021. She told me that many of her elderly patients were getting shingles after receiving the COVID vaccine 💉!!
Reluctantly, I took the vax. So did my husband. In fact, We took it on the same day.
He was a bit sore for a few days after the vax, but got better.
Unfortunately, I did NOT. I got worse.
The pain traveled from my arm - up to my shoulder - across my collarbone- into my neck and over to the other shoulder and upper arm. I felt as though the muscles were being ripped off the bone 😳. I didn’t know what was happening to me. I couldn’t figure out what was going on. I was never that sore !!! 🥹
I couldn’t even dress myself nor pick up a plate. I was so sore and stiff. I lost all upper body mobility.
Within a month, I was also sore in the thighs, hips and buttocks. I could barely move and my husband had to help me get up from a chair, off the sofa and out of bed - all day long. I could barely walk. I couldn’t walk up or down stairs. It was a nightmare. I was like a 90 year old woman.
My doctor couldn’t believe what was happening. She sent me to a rheumatologist.
It’s been a horrible journey for me. So many side effects from different DMARD/ Biologics medications. Apparently my body is extremely sensitive to medications. I never knew this because I never needed any medication up to now.
Thankfully I found a wonderful integrative medicine doctor to help me navigate to where I am today.
It’s taken three years, but I am just now starting to have significantly less pain and see some improvement since taking Low Dose Naltrexone. My mobility has improved and the inflammation has decreased.
I’m Not 100 % by any means - but maybe 80% thanks to LDN.

Like I said… this has been a nightmare. 😱. It ruined my life.
I wish I had never taken that vaccine. Now I know !!
NO more vaccines for me. Ever.

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Autoimmune conditions can certainly be brought on by vaccinations of various kinds, and I have also refused vaccinations since getting PMR. The adjuvant ingredient in vaccines that is there to increase the immune response to the vaccine is usually the culprit.

I have no intention of taking a vaccine which includes an adjuvant to stimulate an immune response, while fighting to reduce the over-reactive immune response that causes PMR. How can anyone who knows what causes PMR even suggest it? It makes no sense at all.


Autoimmune conditions can certainly be brought on by vaccinations of various kinds, and I have also refused vaccinations since getting PMR. The adjuvant ingredient in vaccines that is there to increase the immune response to the vaccine is usually the culprit.

I have no intention of taking a vaccine which includes an adjuvant to stimulate an immune response, while fighting to reduce the over-reactive immune response that causes PMR. How can anyone who knows what causes PMR even suggest it? It makes no sense at all.

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I agree!

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