Can long covid cause this blurry vision?
hey, so since I got what I think was covid 3 months ago and I remember being sick for a couple of days and since then I have this problem where my vision constantly becomes blurry, I focus my vision and 1 second after it unfocuses and my vision becomes blurry, it is really hard for me to read text because of this and I also have this issue of vision becoming blurry and I need to "focus" my vision again when seeing things that are far from me also, I went to an eye doctor and he did a eye test without dilation which was fine and she sent me to do oct which I did but didn't receive the results yet, did anyone experienced something similar with covid and it went away? I am scared I am going blind.
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I’m pretty sure I have long haul Covid along with all of my other health issues, but on ONE year, my right eye went from -4 to -8. A HUGE change in one year! SO scary!
I identify with mama.aloha. My vision has floaters, my eye dr said it is in the back of my eye. These vision problems all occurred after the Pfizer vaccine 1 &2. Refused any after that. Then Omicron came along...I too developed POTS from this. Our current President needs to look into this.
In reply to @ariza9110 ... yes, blurry vision is a fairly well-known side effect of LC. I'm a patient in the LC clinic at NWMH in Chicago, and it's been discussed in our support group. Bottom line; see an ophthalmologist to rule out other causes; know that office exams don't necessarily show pathology, but my understanding is LC research indicates possible decreased blood flow deep in tiny veins in the back of the eye. This is a line of research ("eyes are the window to the body") that is being pursued. The symptom is reported by many and seems to come and go. Dr Karolnik (head dr at the clinic) says most people get better over time, but he doesn't say (not enough research yet) how much time. I have this symptom, along with wet AMD and cataracts, a trifecta. Having a resource like a LC clinic or knowledgeable PCP helps; I keep coming back to this forum as the contributors collectively are up to date on the available knowledge and treatments, and we each others' support!
I have found having prism added to my prescription helps with the double vision and focusing.
i have found taking cyclosporine eye drops helps
I have been experiencing blurry vision. I have glaucoma but that isn't the cause. Take refresh eye drops 4 dry eyes but somex vision no better. I c my ophthalmologist every 3 months.
I've gotten new glasses & my script is much worse than last yr. Will report on new glasses, to c if they help or not. I also experience rainbow halos. Anyone else get this, too?
I wondered the same. I need to do this year's eye exam. I lost my hearing about 14 months after having COVID in '23. My symptoms keep on coming - and all seem to be related to an upended immune system. I'll know once I get there. Good luck. I think from all I have read and continue to read we are in for lots more 'surprises' as our bodies deal with what was left.
So sorry u lost ur hearing.
So hard to say whether covid caused these symptoms or not. I contracted myocarditis, ( a heart infection,) from covid last October per cardiologist. So anything is possible.
Thanks. I have enough to have some with hearing aids so all is not gone-gone - just w/o I can hear little except my tinnitus which of course is literally "in my head"!
That's the frustration - anything IS possible. I had labs done and one is not good. The causes are all over the board. They'll repeat it next month and if still high or higher then .. who to see!??
To us and to some help, yes?
I have blurry vision along with other issues. Going to rheumatologist tomorrow to see if from temporal arthertis or possibly long covid.