Other causes of failed PEth test for alcohol abuse?

Posted by gjones1956 @gjones1956, Nov 14, 2017

My daughter undergoes periodic peth testing for alchohol abuse. She fails regularly, although swears she drinks NOTHING. We have reason to believe she is telling the truth. Assuming she is indeed not drinking, is there a physical condition or ailment that might produce positive peth tests? She is 29, has enlarged lymph nodes, some kind of mysterious condition that gives her severe hives, etc. We are wondering if some type of autoinflammation or autoimmune condition might explain elevated levels. Our daughter is FINALLY discussing this with her regular doctor but if it is some unusual condition a specialist will be needed. The reason the peth test is required is due to a nasty custody dispute with lots of allegations of misconduct. I just want to know if there is ANYTHING other than alchohol consumption that can lead to positive test results. Any thoughts or knowledge of cases? Thanks for reading.

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Thanks for the information, toolsd. I remember the MRO mentioning the lab in San Antonio. Perhaps just getting ahold of the litigation package would be helpful. It doesn’t seem like sending out the DBS to another lab or lawyering up at this point would do much good.

I just can’t imagine flying across the country in 3 months and giving another $3500 to these extortionists. What if the peth is positive again? Do I get my own drawn the day before I leave? They didn’t seem to care about any of the other toxicology results, especially my own negative peth.

I’m looking for non-clinical jobs now. Luckily I have a work history before medicine. This monitoring program is honestly the biggest threat to my sobriety.


The litigation package might still be useful. It’s not much of one, but holds clues.


The litigation package might still be useful. It’s not much of one, but holds clues.

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I’m having difficulty obtaining the litigation package from the treatment center or just my medical records. They are blowing me off. Do I have any recourse? Filing a complaint?


You should under CLIA regulations, which are laws.

This does not mean it’s worth the resources to actually accomplish. It’s simply part of their (the entire “rehab” racket industry) modus operandi.

Maybe the verbal threat of calling out the CLIA regulations (which are relatively easy to find) and relate to you getting ANY information ABOUT YOU from ANY lab, regardless of who paid for the test or result, will spur them into giving you what you want.

This is a common problem.


You should under CLIA regulations, which are laws.

This does not mean it’s worth the resources to actually accomplish. It’s simply part of their (the entire “rehab” racket industry) modus operandi.

Maybe the verbal threat of calling out the CLIA regulations (which are relatively easy to find) and relate to you getting ANY information ABOUT YOU from ANY lab, regardless of who paid for the test or result, will spur them into giving you what you want.

This is a common problem.

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Hi toolsd ,

Thank you for the information, you are a wealth of knowledge! USDTL told me they didn’t fall under CLIA because they were a forensic lab, and I would have to get a lawyer to request the litigation package for me. What a shady organization.

Luckily I have plenty of time to pursue this, as this one peth test has put me out of work for another 3-6 months.


Hi toolsd ,

Thank you for the information, you are a wealth of knowledge! USDTL told me they didn’t fall under CLIA because they were a forensic lab, and I would have to get a lawyer to request the litigation package for me. What a shady organization.

Luckily I have plenty of time to pursue this, as this one peth test has put me out of work for another 3-6 months.

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Look at their certifications on their website... CLIA!

And ALL labs have to abide by these regulations I believe. Forensic standards are supposed to be HIGHER than clinical labs anyway.

Shady is an understatement.


Check your private messages and give me a call.


I am 16 weeks pregnant and totally confused by two false-positive PEth tests. I am in the midst of a NASTY custody battle and my ex made allegations that warranted drug testing. Once a hair follicle and months of being tested for THC cleared me of the allegations, he turned to alcohol. When he did this I was 12 weeks pregnant but had not announced it to anyone, so I figured I would take the weekly PEth tests that he was demanding, just to shut him up. Weekly PEth testing does not make sense to me as the tests go back 21-28 days but I agreed anyway thinking that I would pass with flying colors especially since I am pregnant. WRONG. My first test came back positive at 22ng, six days later I took another that came back negative, six days following that I took another that came back at 30ng. What is going on??? The stakes are high and this is stress I cannot bear during my pregnancy. Another strange thing is that I had voluntarily given urine samples to test for ETG every time I took another PEth test following that first false-positive. The UA's always come back negative. I did the math and based on the UA going back 80 hours and the PEth test going back at least 3 weeks, in between the negative test and the positive test six days later, that would mean that I consumed enough alcohol in a little over 72 hours to test positive at 30ng. I am devastated and confused. The clinic I go to uses the finger prick method and cleans the area with isopropyl alcohol pads. I have not found any info linking the pads to false-positive but the blood dot cards seem to be a questionable method. Any information is much appreciated.


Oh boy... check your private messages and give me a call. There’s a lot of very useful information for you. Hang in there!


Oh boy... check your private messages and give me a call. There’s a lot of very useful information for you. Hang in there!

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I've sent you a private message. My husband tested positive with a whole blood test...

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