Other causes of failed PEth test for alcohol abuse?

Posted by gjones1956 @gjones1956, Nov 14, 2017

My daughter undergoes periodic peth testing for alchohol abuse. She fails regularly, although swears she drinks NOTHING. We have reason to believe she is telling the truth. Assuming she is indeed not drinking, is there a physical condition or ailment that might produce positive peth tests? She is 29, has enlarged lymph nodes, some kind of mysterious condition that gives her severe hives, etc. We are wondering if some type of autoinflammation or autoimmune condition might explain elevated levels. Our daughter is FINALLY discussing this with her regular doctor but if it is some unusual condition a specialist will be needed. The reason the peth test is required is due to a nasty custody dispute with lots of allegations of misconduct. I just want to know if there is ANYTHING other than alchohol consumption that can lead to positive test results. Any thoughts or knowledge of cases? Thanks for reading.

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No no no, I think you’re taking this wrong! Cold weather seems to lessen the chances of fermentation bring the cause of the false positive with respect to DBS PETH.

Does not eliminate that pathway, but clearly lessens the odds. Other causes of false positives, like inter individual PLD activity, etc, we have no clue. But they seem to be less LIKELY altogether.

That’s all. I get calls from people EVERY WEEK during warm and hot weather, practically none during winter. This is my third season of tracking this.

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OMG! I apologize profusely!!! I thought you were another jerk stating that it couldn't happen. I totally agree with you. There is also research on how long a specimen has been taken before testing. We are seeking another evaluation in our home state. Hubby is even more critical now. Of course, you cannot explain any of this to the physicians. I did say I am taking names and God forbid I lose my hubby over this then they can expect to continue to hear from me for the rest of their lives. Once again, I will keep you updated. Please accept my apologies because I was the exhausted ignorant person that read that wrong and jumped! I have pulled the foot out of my mouth:)


Hehe, no, you didn’t do anything to even remotely warrant an apology! In THREE YEARS your situation is by orders or magnitudes the biggest deal. I’ve lost my career and all my money, but not my health... Geesh.

I swear, we’re making progress! Hopefully fast enough... hang in there. More than willing to share transcripts if “powers that be” might be open minded enough to consider.

I got a call from Flyboybray literally minutes after I posted asking what I meant. Apparently I wasn’t as clear as I thought!


Here’s a question maybe someone can answer. My husband is being evaluated for a transplant he has not drank from mid November until feb 13th when he had 7/8 drinks he had a peth test on the 16th that came positive at 30 then on the 26 he had one and it only dropped to 28 (we were told would be negative because peth goes down in half every 5 days) he has not had any thing since the one evening...any idea why it is not dropping?


We need details to help with POSSIBLE reasons.

1. When, and where? Ambient conditions seem to matter.

2. what type of Peth test? Dried blood spot, vinous blood draw?

3. What lab processed it? Can you get the litigation package?

4. Write down EVERYTHING you remember about the process. Was the collector trained? Brief you on how and what? EVERYTHING.

The fact is this test is prone to false positives and wild variations. No one seems to know why precisely. The fact medically ignorant people like lawyer boards, airlines, FAA, etc use it makes sense, they are buying the used car sales pitch. But medical professionals? Wow...

I’m going to private message you. Call if you want.


We need details to help with POSSIBLE reasons.

1. When, and where? Ambient conditions seem to matter.

2. what type of Peth test? Dried blood spot, vinous blood draw?

3. What lab processed it? Can you get the litigation package?

4. Write down EVERYTHING you remember about the process. Was the collector trained? Brief you on how and what? EVERYTHING.

The fact is this test is prone to false positives and wild variations. No one seems to know why precisely. The fact medically ignorant people like lawyer boards, airlines, FAA, etc use it makes sense, they are buying the used car sales pitch. But medical professionals? Wow...

I’m going to private message you. Call if you want.

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At quest was the first ever through blood draw and sent out and 8 days later was shands hospital lab done through blood draw both were done in the afternoon about 1-2:00pm if I remember correctly. We knew the first would be positive as he had a few drinks 2 nights before (long story but was told he could because they had him in the wrong group) but the second one should have been negative as he had no more alcohol at all ever after the one night and they are saying and not listing him because they say he is continuing to drink


At quest was the first ever through blood draw and sent out and 8 days later was shands hospital lab done through blood draw both were done in the afternoon about 1-2:00pm if I remember correctly. We knew the first would be positive as he had a few drinks 2 nights before (long story but was told he could because they had him in the wrong group) but the second one should have been negative as he had no more alcohol at all ever after the one night and they are saying and not listing him because they say he is continuing to drink

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We were told that the PEth test could be positive up to 9 days from last drink. We faught Vanderbilt bc my husband had not had a drink since 2019. This test is unreliable and has plenty of false positives, but some egotistical physicians do not want to accept that. There is also research on if the specimen is left out in certain room temps, is old. They need to take it case by case holistic approach to each pt. I even called the lab and the lab stated hx of false positives had occurred and doctor would not accept. We changed hospitals and doctors and received a transplant


Red wine vinaigrette, some types of mouth wash, numerous blood transfusions in a short amount of time, use of hand sanitizer in big amounts.


We were told that the PEth test could be positive up to 9 days from last drink. We faught Vanderbilt bc my husband had not had a drink since 2019. This test is unreliable and has plenty of false positives, but some egotistical physicians do not want to accept that. There is also research on if the specimen is left out in certain room temps, is old. They need to take it case by case holistic approach to each pt. I even called the lab and the lab stated hx of false positives had occurred and doctor would not accept. We changed hospitals and doctors and received a transplant

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His first and second test were 8 days apart and it went from 30 down to only 28 (2 different labs) we are awaiting results of a third one to see what it says but the doctors already said not happening because since the level never dropped (doctor said with a level of 30 it should have been negative as it goes in half every 4 days) so he said he is continuing to drink and we know for a fact he is not


We were told that the PEth test could be positive up to 9 days from last drink. We faught Vanderbilt bc my husband had not had a drink since 2019. This test is unreliable and has plenty of false positives, but some egotistical physicians do not want to accept that. There is also research on if the specimen is left out in certain room temps, is old. They need to take it case by case holistic approach to each pt. I even called the lab and the lab stated hx of false positives had occurred and doctor would not accept. We changed hospitals and doctors and received a transplant

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It just really stinks because he is listed with another hospital we do not like they won’t answer questions won’t allow me to see him for 48 hours after surgery won’t treat his ra while waiting, have never done a transplant on post Covid (which my husband just had and reason transplant is needed) so this hospital has done many on post Covid patients and the experience so we really wanted that..we sent paperwork today to try a new one


It just really stinks because he is listed with another hospital we do not like they won’t answer questions won’t allow me to see him for 48 hours after surgery won’t treat his ra while waiting, have never done a transplant on post Covid (which my husband just had and reason transplant is needed) so this hospital has done many on post Covid patients and the experience so we really wanted that..we sent paperwork today to try a new one

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I know it is difficult. Just be thankful you are listed. Most places will not even consider being listed. Just keep trying to get him on another list. What is his MELD score?

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