Can a split glute muscle along scar tissue be repaired?

Posted by wazzcozz @wazzcozz, Jan 26, 2023

I have had three hip replacement surgeries, the last in July 2022.
The insersion through the glutes hasn't healed properly as he had to stitch through scar tissue in closing.
Can that be repaired?

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@wazzcozz Three hip replacements - a club none of us likes to be in.
Dealing with scar tissue, adhesions and muscle tears is no fun. The first step is for the doctor to determine exactly which of these is causing your issues so a plan can be developed.

If the problem is scar tissue or adhesions in the gluteal muscle itself, conservative treatment to break it up like deep tissue massage or laser, infrared or ultrasound therapy might promote healing. These techniques are best used by a specially trained physical therapist.

If the problem is a torn muscle, repair is possible in some situations, but the above therapies might work to promote healing as well.

What have you tried so far? What has the surgeon advised?

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