BRONCH results
I had a follow up bronchoscopy after about 4 1/2 months on the big 3. Part of the initial findings show Rare White Blood Cells, Rare Epithelial cells, Light Fungus. There were a number of medium to large mucus plugs obtained as well. I will need to wait for the full culture to find out if the NTM is still present but wondering how concerning these findings are. Thank you for any feedback or input
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I don’t think finding rare cells is uncommon. I’m only guessing, but imagine you’ll need to wait for final to find out if the fungus is enough to be a concern. I just looked back at my bronch from 2 years ago and had “a few” of 2 types in the final culture and they weren’t concerned.
It’s good they were able to get the plugs out. I’d probably try to increase airway clearance or exercise a bit to avoid them.forming. That said, it isn’t always possible to avoid them because our airways don’t function as they should. .
Hopefully some with more bronchoscopies in their journey will be able to help.
Thank you for sharing similar findings. That is very reassuring. I was nebulizing for a while with Acetycysteine but not producing anything plus developed lots of mouth sores. My pulmonologist advised to discontinue and try mucinex. I will reiterate my concern about airway clearance (learned from this group) when I get final results from him.