Breast surgeon questions

Posted by whyme2023 @whyme2023, Mar 16, 2023

I just got my diagnosis yesterday (DCIS, R breast); awaiting a call to schedule the breast surgeon consultation; during the diagnosis call I got a lot of overwhelming info but I think I’m clear on next steps. Since I’m young, 53 and in good health, praying this will be a somewhat routine process - surgery and radiation 🤞(no maternal family history); I know we are all different but being optimistic is the best approach in my opinion. My question is, are there specific questions I should ask the surgeon during the consultation?

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UPDATE - my MRI is scheduled for Monday, 4/3 (insurance authorized it 🙏) - fingers crossed that nothing more is found and we can proceed with the lumpectomy as planned. 🙏 will keep you posted - I’m thinking good thoughts!!


UPDATE - had my MRI yesterday (4/3) and await the results - praying for no surprises 🙏


UPDATE - received my MRI results: my surgeon's office called to explain the MRI report - the L breast is not affected - nothing showed up that gives any concern 🙏
R breast has a small area at 12p (as if looking at a clock) that they want to ultrasound to be sure there isn't anything more to be worried about. I'll have to wait for preauth from insurance and then that will be scheduled, likely next week. The ultrasound sounds like it's a precautionary thing - as it was described, they want to make sure there is not another area that needs attention when they go in for the lumpectomy.


UPDATE - Ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday, 4/12. Again, hoping for no additional issues and look forward to getting closer to scheduling the lumpectomy.


UPDATE - Ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday, 4/12. Again, hoping for no additional issues and look forward to getting closer to scheduling the lumpectomy.

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Fingers crossed for good news. Calm and positive approach.. hugs


Fingers crossed for good news. Calm and positive approach.. hugs

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Thank you!!


Me adding that I got my oncotype Dx yesterday and at 64 years old with a score if 17, chemo will have no effect for me, so NO CHEMO! Now we discuss radiation or just hormone blockers and tamoxifen.

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Me again. After days of “limbo”, I finally went for radiation treatment “set-up” appointment last Wednesday and had 3 tiny black dot tattoos added:one under breast and one on each side at bra line. Scans were taken to record my position - on my back with arms bent and over my head in back. The following week- Friday did “Simulation” and had an extra clear circular sticker with”x” on it added to my breast. Tomorrow, Monday, I start 16 treatments 5x/week, off on weekends to be finished but May 9.
Then what? How soon will I have an MRI after surgery, healing and radiation? Any guidelines? Thanks!


UPDATE - Ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday, 4/12. Again, hoping for no additional issues and look forward to getting closer to scheduling the lumpectomy.

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UPDATE - I got the results from my ultrasound biopsy which was on 4/12, the results showed Fibroadenoma (which is not a concern - a small breast tumor and benign). 🙏
Next step is for the breast surgeon to reach out and explain next steps and surgery (lumpectomy) plan. I’m really happy with these results and look forward to getting the surgery scheduled.
Thanks for the positive wishes and feedback.


Me again. After days of “limbo”, I finally went for radiation treatment “set-up” appointment last Wednesday and had 3 tiny black dot tattoos added:one under breast and one on each side at bra line. Scans were taken to record my position - on my back with arms bent and over my head in back. The following week- Friday did “Simulation” and had an extra clear circular sticker with”x” on it added to my breast. Tomorrow, Monday, I start 16 treatments 5x/week, off on weekends to be finished but May 9.
Then what? How soon will I have an MRI after surgery, healing and radiation? Any guidelines? Thanks!

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Hey, no advice from me as I am just starting my journey. But I wish you all the best and many positive vibes being sent your way. 🙏🥰


This is all really helpful I’m thru surgery.. waiting for a plan.. seeing these concrete steps is exciting

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