bowel obstruction.

Posted by lamar @lamar, Apr 11, 2012

i know a person that just had a colonostopy done and all the results came back good. there was no signs of anything negative. now almost a month or less later they are in the hospital for bowel obstruction. would that occur as a result from this? why would this not be visible at the time? ??...let me know.

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I have suffered with several small bowel obstructions during the past 15 years, the first was a twisted intestine, and since then scar tissue from that surgey may be the cause of others; however, no doctor has been able to pinpoint why I had the first blockage that started my chain of events. I am told I have a "messed up gut." I have had several colonoscopy's and have not experienced an obstruction following it. I would think there might be a chance that the procedure "ignited" a flame, so to speak, but not directly caused the obstruction in your friend. But since no one can tell me what causes mine, I find myself trying to "blame" it on one thing, but can't. I am sorry for your friend as I know the pain of obstructions. I hope he or she is better now and tell them eat no popcorn ever!


Hi Lamar. Colonoscopy only gets a view of the inside of the intestine, so the procedure can't contribute to a diagnosis of adhesions on the outside of the intestines, unless they are causing a constriction of the organ itself. I think, however, that local inflammation from gyn procedures has been suggested as a cause of obstruction. I have had many obstructions of the small bowel, 4 this year alone. I stick to an extremely low fiber diet even though I have had several obstructions while on this diet, so who knows. So NO POPCORN lol and good luck.


I have suffered with several small bowel obstructions during the past 15 years, the first was a twisted intestine, and since then scar tissue from that surgey may be the cause of others; however, no doctor has been able to pinpoint why I had the first blockage that started my chain of events. I am told I have a "messed up gut." I have had several colonoscopy's and have not experienced an obstruction following it. I would think there might be a chance that the procedure "ignited" a flame, so to speak, but not directly caused the obstruction in your friend. But since no one can tell me what causes mine, I find myself trying to "blame" it on one thing, but can't. I am sorry for your friend as I know the pain of obstructions. I hope he or she is better now and tell them eat no popcorn ever!

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Justjane, I think the doc means that your gut is just not perfect. None of us has a perfectly functioning body, and it makes sense when you think about how complicated each system is. And it sure does seem to get worse with age. My adhesions are probably the result of multiple surgeries as a child, and as far as I can see, high fiber, low fiber, exercise, no exercise, bottom (no pun intended) line is there's nothing we can do to stop these miserable episodes. Meanwhile I am grateful for each day I don't obstruct and for some of my body systems that do work well! Good luck. gp

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