Both legs sore during day and spasm during sleep. Muscle twitching.

Posted by dnp2335 @dnp2335, Mar 4, 2023

I’m on 7 weeks of the weirdest symptoms. I’ve been to my primary Dr, sports med Dr, Sleep Dr and Neuro-muscular neurologist. None have seen this before. Sleep Dr ruled out RLS. This issue is only when I sleep so it’s not induced by body position. Once I fall asleep, I wake up every 1.5-2.0 hours every night. I haven’t had one night making it 3 straight hours. When I wake up, my upper legs feel tight deep inside the legs and when I straighten them they spasm and the inner cramp releases and I can go right back to sleep. This pattern continues night after night.
I’ve tried everything, epsom salt baths, quinine, thc, CBD, prescription muscle relaxers, warm baths, stretching, foam roller, heat pad, ice, Gabapentin, every sleeping position possible…you name it and I’ve tried it. Has anyone heard of this before and have any suggestions that I can ask the neurologist about on?

I’ve also had sporadic muscle twitching since last March, 2022 but don’t have any muscle weakness. Thank you for any help. My legs are pretty sore throughout the day and if I sit at my office desk for 1/2 hour, when I stand up the hamstrings are so tight and hurt. Neuro thinking most likely a neurological issue but ordered blood tests and a thoracic spine MRI. They feel the brain, lumbar and cevical spine MRI’s look good and do not point to a physical issue being the cause to this. Thank you for any help.

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Magnesium glycinate works well for me. Taking it late in the day also helps with relaxation.

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I take Magnesium just befoe I go to bed and it has worked in the past. Last night I forgot and was up betwee 1 am and 3 am with pain in my thighs and lower legs...both of them. A few tears and some Neuopathy cream and one Gabapetin pill and I did get some sleep. My magnesium is oxide and that seem to work. Hmmmm. I am going to now look that up. Thanks Lengel. "J"


I have had leg spasms for years. Doctors said there was nothing for relief. I am taking magnesium oxide, carb/Levo 10-100mg, and Tizanidine 4mg. After I started these meds, I have not had spasms at night. The carb/Levo is for restless legs, and the Tizanidine is for muscle pain


I am great believer in magnesium - I take 2 tablets at night - no more cramps - fantastic.


I’m a believer in exercise over pills. I too was developing RLS like symptoms but realized if I stretched like I do every morning at bed time too I might not get RLS symptoms. So after repeating my morning stretch regime before bed my RLS like symptoms disappeared. How much exercise do you do especially for your legs?

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