What next after a high brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) score?

Posted by petuniamom567 @petuniamom567, Jul 26, 2022

My cardiologist keeps doing BNP tests on me. I have labile blood pressure, was put on bp meds which lowered pressure. Have high triglycerides and take meds. What do Mayo and other doctors do as treatment for those with high BNP tests? Supposedly, these are indicators of heart failure which is quite upsetting. Are there other follow-up tests? I take toprol and valium. Was on diuretic which lowered blood pressure too much. At a loss at how to proceed. Welcome experiences and suggestions.

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@petuniamom567 read your comment. I am in a similar boat. My BNP went from normal to >23,000 and now is coming down. Now it is 944 and tracking. My PCP is watching my values. I was in the hospital and rehab for almost three months, saying I have congestive heart failure. I agree it is quite upsetting. Put me on 5 new meds. and tried two BP meds which I no longer take. My BP is low and these all make it lowered. Two days ago took me off of Toprol. I was having too many side effects. Like you, this is all new to me. Really never been sick till this hit. I am dizzy most of the time and my body is in total fatigue mode. I do not get much done in the house.

I hope you are getting along better than I am. They did an angio and echo. My heart is clean and has no blocks (good country living). But my heart wall is another story. My muscle is weak and not pumping as it should, so low BP. I hope to do cardio rehab and try to get my heart muscle stronger. I try and do a little more each day and hope for better days to come.

Let me know if there are any questions, I can help you with to the best of my knowledge. Although that seems very little at this point in time. Take care and stay healthy. KLH


Hi @petuniamom567,
You might be interested to read the Mayo Clinic BNP overview including reference values:

More Reference info: "One of the most important uses of BNP is to try to determine whether shortness of breath is due to heart failure. BNP levels vary according to age, gender and weight. For people who have heart failure, establishing a baseline BNP can be helpful and future tests can be used to help measure how well treatment works." --- Blood tests for heart disease - Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heart-disease/in-depth/heart-disease/art-20049357

What were your results?


Curious what klh did to strengthen heart muscle. I have CFS so I'm somewhat limited. Walking 5 minutes five times a day is what I've been advised to do. My BNP bounces up to the mid 500's and comes down to the 100's
for no discernible reason. I also have CKD 3a-3b which can cause BNP numbers to rise. No one does much
about this other than watch blood test levels. Any suggestions anyone has would be appreciated since it seems
the area is a bit of a free-for-all.Thanks in advance for any input. Also want to say Mayo articles on BNP are the
best I've read so far and do help explain the situation. BUT, where's the cure?


Curious what klh did to strengthen heart muscle. I have CFS so I'm somewhat limited. Walking 5 minutes five times a day is what I've been advised to do. My BNP bounces up to the mid 500's and comes down to the 100's
for no discernible reason. I also have CKD 3a-3b which can cause BNP numbers to rise. No one does much
about this other than watch blood test levels. Any suggestions anyone has would be appreciated since it seems
the area is a bit of a free-for-all.Thanks in advance for any input. Also want to say Mayo articles on BNP are the
best I've read so far and do help explain the situation. BUT, where's the cure?

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@petuniamom567 I have not done much for my heart muscle that I know of. Docs put me on all these new meds and the side effects are awful. So far have stopped three of them. I am still in the same boat. I do not get much done as I should. I am to have an echo to check my progress as to the function of my heart muscle. Hopefully, some improvement will show. If you have found out any new information, I would like to hear from you. BP is still running low in the morning and the evening. I wished I was better help to you. If like me tired of feeling this way most of the time. Stay healthy and well. KLH

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