Bleeding from Penis while Having Erection
On 12th March night while having sex with my wife significant amount of bleeding happened from penis. It was very scarry as it happened for the first time. I am 47 years male and do not have hypertension or Diabetes. Next few days what i observed is that bleeding happens at the time of erection. My Local doctor advised USG, Blood Test and Urine Tests and all came out normal.
There is no pain or discomfort at all, Only Concern is that its starts bleeding the moment i have erection. My Doctor is saying that some trauma has happened and it would take time to heal
I am really worried about this , can anyone help with me this as to how much time it would take to heal.
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Go to a Urologist as soon as possible.
Apparently it bleeds when you have an erection because that's when the blood is pumping in there the most. It might just be some kind of polyp that popped and it's bleeding from that. Whether that's harmless or not, I have no idea. But a urologist can probe up there with a camera and see.
Or, like happened to me you may have a very vascular and enlarged prostate. After PAE it was corrected.
Of course seeing a urologist for the correct diagnosis is the way to go.
Astute point from bill5letsfixthis. Blood with erections is very uncommon but typically is from a prostate source or a small collection of blood vessels in the urethra called a hemangioma. Either way, a Urologist should perform a cystoscopy (look inside the urethra, prostate and bladder) to assess for the bleeding. It would be good to remind them that hemangiomas can be quite subtle so the person doing the scope has to be carefully examine the entire urethra (most bleeding from other causes are from prostate and bladder only). Although one can never be certain based on history alone, considering this bleeding is with erections only (and not triggered during urination), the most likely source of this process is benign.
Dr Kohler
Professor of Urology
Head of Mayo Men's Health Rochester MN