Bladder chronic UTI and urgency

Posted by daphne52 @daphne52, Apr 3, 2023

I suffer from chronic UTI with constant urgency with or without an UTI. I try to deal with the UTIs, but the pain I have when I have any amount of urine in my bladder is taken up my whole life and wellbeing. My URO doc throws nothing but Meds at me and sends me out the door that do not work. Please Please, anyone give me some direction or advice because I am thinking thoughts of not being here anymore. I AM DESPERATE. I do not have IC. Thanks, Kathy

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What the heck is going on with these doctors? Doctors take an oath to HEAL. At the very least I would think they’d order a CT Urogram to see what’s going on and look at the structure of your urinary tract. I’m going to suggest (again) that you make an appointment with a nephrologist. (Kidney doctor). Ask for an extra 15 minutes for the appointment and start at the beginning and explain what has been going on. Write questions down beforehand and take them with you so you don’t forget key questions. If you don’t mind me asking…where do you live?

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Cincinnati ohio. Doc said, I complain about bladder pain, catherize myself. I want to know why I have residual urine after urinating and yes, why the pain. I did make the Uro appt because of the pain and discomfort, but is she jumping the gun telling me to catherize? And, is this a life long daily procedure and I forgot to ask that. I want to know everything before I take such drastic measures. She needs to tell me everything I need to know. She did the first one to check post void and then the next one a few minutes later to show me how to do it and I bled. She was surprised and said I think she should maybe do a cystscopy. Did she poke me, don't know.


Cincinnati ohio. Doc said, I complain about bladder pain, catherize myself. I want to know why I have residual urine after urinating and yes, why the pain. I did make the Uro appt because of the pain and discomfort, but is she jumping the gun telling me to catherize? And, is this a life long daily procedure and I forgot to ask that. I want to know everything before I take such drastic measures. She needs to tell me everything I need to know. She did the first one to check post void and then the next one a few minutes later to show me how to do it and I bled. She was surprised and said I think she should maybe do a cystscopy. Did she poke me, don't know.

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A question, do you know how to find the self catherize forum on here? I used the word and couldn't find anything. Thanks Kathy


Daphne, I understand your frustration at your uro doc, I had rectocele repair surgery almost 7 weeks ago and have had a UTI since the third week after being on Cephlex, then Flagyl, then Leviflaxen…and now back on Flagyl in suppository form. I even went to the ER at one point and was told I wasn’t sick enough. I am a very active 69 year old normally and this is ruining my life. I also feel like no one in the medical world cares. I understand from reading on my own I must now have bacterial vaginosis as I tested positive for gharderella vaginella and when I mention what I read online about this type of bacteria to both my urogynecologist ,who did the surgery, and now a urology PA I went to see about my new concerns of a potential chronic UTI issue emerging they have no reply, no information and definitely no assurances or anything hopeful. I feel they just want me to go away. I am scared. I have posted about this on several different threads…


Cincinnati ohio. Doc said, I complain about bladder pain, catherize myself. I want to know why I have residual urine after urinating and yes, why the pain. I did make the Uro appt because of the pain and discomfort, but is she jumping the gun telling me to catherize? And, is this a life long daily procedure and I forgot to ask that. I want to know everything before I take such drastic measures. She needs to tell me everything I need to know. She did the first one to check post void and then the next one a few minutes later to show me how to do it and I bled. She was surprised and said I think she should maybe do a cystscopy. Did she poke me, don't know.

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I’d make another appointment with this doctor asap and take a VERY long list of questions to ask her. Prescribing self catheterization without doing a simple cystoscopy first seems odd to me. A CT Urogram ASAP seems more appropriate to me for someone in such pain. (Note: I am not in the medical field. I just have experience as a urology/kidney patient and have VERY good and thorough urologists and nephrologists whom I trust completely with my healthcare.) Also make that appointment with a nephrologist. Getting answers and a definite diagnosis is your full time job now. I know it’s overwhelming and stressful (been there) but it is a relief when you get an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan. Keep us updated……


A question, do you know how to find the self catherize forum on here? I used the word and couldn't find anything. Thanks Kathy

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You’re right! There isn’t much on Mayo about self catheterization. But I Googled “self catheterization” and a LOT of sites came up dedicated to this subject.


Did your Transplant Center OK you taking Cranberry/D-Mannose? I used to take it before the transplant but they said no supplements at all after transplant. it worked for me before. And I am just recovering my first post transplant UTI after 3 days in the hospital on IV antibiotics. Taking oral antibiotics now at home. The UTI process and urine cultures was a traumatic process for me, as first 2 cultures were negative. I had to wait until a fever and chills to get accepted at a ER for treatment. Please let me know about the Cranberry/D-Mannose acceptance at the TC. Thank you, BB

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@blbird33 I started responding to your questions and comments regarding cranberry/D-Mannose and transplant. I don’t think the original poster (author) is a transplant recipient. I am post transplant pancreas. My comments about cranberry were about sipping the juice diluted with a lot of ice. I have never heard of the supplement D-Mannose. I don’t take supplements unless my local providers or transplant center recommends and prescribed them.


I am now trying the dmannose/cranberry capsules and it seems to cause gastro problems, (extreme gas). I'm going to try it another week and hoping the gas will ease. You mentioned catherization. I saw my Uro/gyn doctor yesterday about urine urgency and not completely emptying my bladder, which keeps me in constant pain. I am so hesitate to do it for 2 reasons, doing it wrong and harming myself and most important causing a UTI. I have chronic UTIs and losing the battle, now she wants to put me on a daily long term preventive antibiotic. Any advice. I just need any experiences you may have heard about benefits/warnings that may have come your way. I understand the hesitantly one may have on this forum giving out opinions, but I am beginning to trust the more life experiences on here than having my doctor playing guess and check, not knowing the how's and why's. I trust this sight because of the compassion shown on here. Thanks for listening. Kathy

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@daphne52 when I mentioned catheterization I was referring to skilled nursing facility (nursing home) residents who had indwelling long term catheters with collection bags. These can lead to UTI. I wasn’t referring to self catheterization.
About urine retention and the inability to empty the bladder completely, there is a test to confirm this situation. I have had this test but I don’t remember what it is called. I also don’t know what the treatment is if the condition is confirmed.
It is good that you have found a new doctor that will hopefully pay attention to your problems & needs plus help you develop a plan that will relieve your pain and deal with UTI.


I ordered some Cranberry/D-Mannose and wondered if others' TC have approved these for UTI's? I have taken them pre-transplant and they seemed to prevent UTI"S for years. Anyone taking this supplement now for post transplant UTI"S and does it help? I did ask my TC and they approved this supplement for me as I just had a UTI last week at 6 weeks post transplant and had to be hospitalized for 3 days. My Urine cultures prior to the hospitalization had been borderline or negative but the UTI was there and getting worse. It took a fever and chills to get me admitted to the hospital. I felt pressure on my bladder prior to the fever and I did not feel bladder pain. It seemed to be different symptoms now post transplant. Thank you, BB

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@blbird33 what kind of transplant did you have if you don’t mind me asking?


Cincinnati ohio. Doc said, I complain about bladder pain, catherize myself. I want to know why I have residual urine after urinating and yes, why the pain. I did make the Uro appt because of the pain and discomfort, but is she jumping the gun telling me to catherize? And, is this a life long daily procedure and I forgot to ask that. I want to know everything before I take such drastic measures. She needs to tell me everything I need to know. She did the first one to check post void and then the next one a few minutes later to show me how to do it and I bled. She was surprised and said I think she should maybe do a cystscopy. Did she poke me, don't know.

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I’m fairly certain that catheterization should not cause bleeding.
I have had a cystoscope. It was after my pancreas transplant. The pancreas was initially hooked to my bladder (to drain the enzymes there) to collect and measure them for the purpose of monitoring for rejection. However these enzymes are like what is found in drain cleaner! My bladder did NOT like them and I started passing blood clots in my urine. I ended up hospitalized and one of the tests was a cystoscope to determine what was going on in the bladder. This story is different from yours but my point is that a cystoscope could provide some good information towards finding a solution.


Daphne, I understand your frustration at your uro doc, I had rectocele repair surgery almost 7 weeks ago and have had a UTI since the third week after being on Cephlex, then Flagyl, then Leviflaxen…and now back on Flagyl in suppository form. I even went to the ER at one point and was told I wasn’t sick enough. I am a very active 69 year old normally and this is ruining my life. I also feel like no one in the medical world cares. I understand from reading on my own I must now have bacterial vaginosis as I tested positive for gharderella vaginella and when I mention what I read online about this type of bacteria to both my urogynecologist ,who did the surgery, and now a urology PA I went to see about my new concerns of a potential chronic UTI issue emerging they have no reply, no information and definitely no assurances or anything hopeful. I feel they just want me to go away. I am scared. I have posted about this on several different threads…

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You are not alone. I am 70 and to think this may be my what I have left of my life has me anxious beyond words. My husband said if I could I would take it from you. Thank goodness, for him. Now catheriz

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