Black lines in peripheral vision, following cataract surgery

Posted by tcokeefe @tcokeefe, Jun 15, 2023

I had my left eye cataract surgery done almost a month ago. There is a black line in the peripheral vision on the left. The surgeon said that it should go away in time, and almost always is only the left eye. Well, I had my right eye done last week and of course I have it in my right eye as well! Anyone else have this issue and did it go away in time? Thanks!

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You may be seeing the edges of the lens’s. I had a similar experience. After several months it got better but I occasionally in certain lighting situations still still the edges. However I also have positive dysphotopsia from my cataract surgeries.


I had my surgeries last September and October. I still have those black lines. They are especially obvious when I’m tired. I have heard and read that these can go away completely or not. Your brain can adapt and it can take many months.


That’s what I’m thinking. That I’ll just have to get used to them. I guess it could be worse. At least there are off to the side of my vision and not right in the middle!

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