Biologic caused infections

Posted by apopson @apopson, Dec 12, 2023

Recently hospitalized 3 times. Each time for a week. Infection in hand that extended to elbows.
A week later infection in knee then left rib area that is very painful. Infection control physician said may need to remove the fluid from this area. All of these infection areas are on left side. Dr said from biologic
Has been on Vancomycin for almost a month.
Has anyone experienced this from the biologic
depressing there immune system. He stopped it 6 weeks ago.

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I want to stop my biologic too.

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Göndərən luck!


Do you know Dr. Tuetken? She was my rheumatologist at the University of Iowa for 15 years. I could still message her for advice and she would respond. I haven't seen her in a few years because I'm now going to the VA hospital across the street from the University. Dr Teutken saved me when PMR was diagnosed. I had many problems that cropped up after PMR was diagnosed.

I really think I can stop Actemra. I believe PMR is gone too. I had a couple of "interruptions" when Actemra was stopped but it was restarted. I didn't do well when Actemra was stopped. Now there seems to be a reluctance to ever stop Actemra.

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I was did with PMR in 2012. It was HORRIBLE. My ESR and CRP were off the charts. Good old prednisone came to the rescue with 60mg. I already had osteopenia so within 6 months that changed to osteoporosis due to compression fractures in back and pelvis. PMR generally is a temporary disorder that lasts for months may go longer. It took me 2+ years and 4 rheumatologists for ME to figure out I have Seronegative RA ( which 30% of RA patients have). I then went thru all the typical pill form of pill forms as well as Methotrexate shots to control it. I eventually moved on to Remicade infusions which finally got it into control.
My advice question everything and research and go on blogs like this. Best of Luck! 🌸


So sorry for your situation. I’ve been pretty lucky as I’ve only been in hospital once for an unknown infectious wound on my stomach. I do have fungal fingers and toes. Vaginal yeast infections plague me. I now take weekly pills to keep it at bay.
Makes you wonder at times if the treatment is worse than the disease it’s treating huh?!


I was did with PMR in 2012. It was HORRIBLE. My ESR and CRP were off the charts. Good old prednisone came to the rescue with 60mg. I already had osteopenia so within 6 months that changed to osteoporosis due to compression fractures in back and pelvis. PMR generally is a temporary disorder that lasts for months may go longer. It took me 2+ years and 4 rheumatologists for ME to figure out I have Seronegative RA ( which 30% of RA patients have). I then went thru all the typical pill form of pill forms as well as Methotrexate shots to control it. I eventually moved on to Remicade infusions which finally got it into control.
My advice question everything and research and go on blogs like this. Best of Luck! 🌸

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Thank you so much


I was did with PMR in 2012. It was HORRIBLE. My ESR and CRP were off the charts. Good old prednisone came to the rescue with 60mg. I already had osteopenia so within 6 months that changed to osteoporosis due to compression fractures in back and pelvis. PMR generally is a temporary disorder that lasts for months may go longer. It took me 2+ years and 4 rheumatologists for ME to figure out I have Seronegative RA ( which 30% of RA patients have). I then went thru all the typical pill form of pill forms as well as Methotrexate shots to control it. I eventually moved on to Remicade infusions which finally got it into control.
My advice question everything and research and go on blogs like this. Best of Luck! 🌸

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I began my RA journey as seronegative, and questionable as to whether it was PMR because of my initial and very acute onse of pain and dysfunction in shoulders, hips, ankles and hands.
I was put on Humira and methotrexate in my brand new Rheumatologist’s office and had massive relief in 5 days. I’ve had to change biologic 3 times and abandon methotrexate due to liver impact , but I’ve stayed fairly well controlled. And three years ago I was retested for RA factor and it was extremely high. Go figure.


I began my RA journey as seronegative, and questionable as to whether it was PMR because of my initial and very acute onse of pain and dysfunction in shoulders, hips, ankles and hands.
I was put on Humira and methotrexate in my brand new Rheumatologist’s office and had massive relief in 5 days. I’ve had to change biologic 3 times and abandon methotrexate due to liver impact , but I’ve stayed fairly well controlled. And three years ago I was retested for RA factor and it was extremely high. Go figure.

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Are you still on Humira?
Any infections?


Are you still on Humira?
Any infections?

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No I went from Humira to Enbrel in 2018 and Remicade in 2020.
I have to say I take an extreme stance on avoiding viral and bacterial Pathogens. I don’t hope to avoid infection, I aggressively pursue avoidance.


No I went from Humira to Enbrel in 2018 and Remicade in 2020.
I have to say I take an extreme stance on avoiding viral and bacterial Pathogens. I don’t hope to avoid infection, I aggressively pursue avoidance.

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I was wondering what symptoms did you have, did you get any help


I was wondering what symptoms did you have, did you get any help

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swelling, renessans, and pain left hand up to the arm, fluid Left knee and pain left mid ribb area. Hospitalized 3 times a week each last month. IV and oral antibiotics.
Off biologic about 6 weeks now. Don't think I ever want to go on them again.


I was wondering what symptoms did you have, did you get any help

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I’m not sure what you are asking. I had severe pain, swelling and weakness in hands elbows shoulders hips and ankles. Weakness to extent I couldn’t squeeze shampoo bottle without putting it between my knees. Much less open a door. Horrible onset and after one Rheumy that was after a gold star with the insurance company, taking me through multiple non-biologic options, I found a better one who put me on Humira and I was better in days.

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