Best cooking oils to use after transplant?

Posted by myringo @myringo, Oct 20, 2023

What are the best oils to use after transplant? I like avocado and extra virgin olive oil. Are both of those ok. What kinds and brands do you use? I don’t use a lot but need to use some when baking or cooking.

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Did part of your transplant team include a nutritionist or dietitian? Maybe you can run that question by him or her?


We use Extra Virgin Olive oil ,I am 4.5 years into my Kidney transplant, no issues. Lipid profile is normal.


I was never advised as to what oils are ok (or not) to use in cooking or using to make salad dressings. I guess I figured if there was some reason not to use a specific one, my team would have let me know since they were pretty adamant about what I should or shouldn't eat. But over the years, I don't use much oil in cooking anyway. We're fortunate to live in an era of PAM spray, non-stick cookware and air-fryers. For myself, say I want to make carmelized onions to serve. I spray my non-stick liberally with PAM plus one teaspoon of light olive oil. Just enough to get those onions going...then I use unsalted stock, either vegetable or chicken. (Are we allowed to say a brand? Hope so because Kitchen Basics" is the best to use!) as the onions cook down, I add the stock, enough at a time to keep them from burning, until they're brown, soft and delicious. Can't tell any difference than if I used a ton of oil or butter. (Haha...I sound like Julia "Bon Appétit!")


Hi Myringo, I saw a few dietitians after transplant and the best was Olive oil followed by Canola. But I agree see if maybe you can meet with a dietitian from your transplant team. If your transplant was thru Mayo Clinic they are available and can see your labs and other data and can help you choose a plan that is best for you.

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