Best medical center for MAC & BE

Posted by ncalvan @ncalvan, 2 days ago

I live in Knoxville and have been treated for MAC since 2019. Three years on the big 3 and 2 years with added Arikayce. I’d like to go to a major medical center with an NTM and BE clinic that has a solid multidisciplinary team. I’m deciding about Mayo or Cleveland Clinic. Anyone had experiences about either for a full work up? Any physician names would be very helpful. And what about Mayo Jacksonville? Or Rochester. Florida is closer for me if that’s a best choice. Thanks for any guidance and experiences.

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National Jewish Hospital in Denver Colorado. 303-398-1355.. Good Luck


I second that, no matter the distance. National Jewish is the best!


FYI: National Jewish is now associated with Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC.
"National Jewish is a non-profit medical and research center with a 115-year history of specializing in respiratory disorders and has been ranked for its excellence in respiratory care by U.S. News & World Report for the past 12 years and is now partnered with Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine for a jointly run ..." ALSO, UT Texas at Tyler, Texas. NYC and Tyler are closer to Knoxville, expecially if thinking of driving.


Mayo in Rochester is also considered excellent. I was impressed.


I couldn’t be happier with National Jewish at Mt Sinai in NYC. Dr. Becker is my pulmonologist and he is just wonderful. Good luck!


I’m at Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota and it is excellent.


National Jewish Hospital in Denver Colorado. 303-398-1355.. Good Luck

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Do they treat from a distance?

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