Bending over post lobectomy causes significant shortness of breath?

Posted by pb50 @pb50, Dec 27, 2023

I’m 7 months from lobectomy of left lower lobe. By and large I do pretty well from a pulmonary function perspective. Not as great as the docs led me to expect, since I absolutely do not have 99% of my capacity back, nor do I see evidence the other lines are taking up the slack.
So that’s an “is”. But what I don’t understand is why bending over causes a severe loss of capacity.
I notice it just wiping up a spill or sponging off baseboards. Stuff like that.
Does anyone else experience that?

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Pam @pb50, of course you have this covered! 🙂
I’m glad that you passed all of your tests with flying colors, but I’m sure it is frustrating to not feel your best by this time.

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To be fair, that was all before my lung surgery - they were trying to decide how worked up to get about the SVT I’ve had since my teens. I rejected beta blockers because of side effects. I don’t want to get trapped in the scenario of new prescription, then another prescription to address side effects from first one 🙂 but the good thing was I had a great cardio work up.


But if my O2 levels decline when I exert at all, what is the action? Said differently, what would I do to create a different result?

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One slows or stops the activity to allow the O2 level to come back up.
If a person is older than 70, a normal oxygen level could be around 95%. It will drop slightly with exercise. But more, you should talk to your Pulmonologist.


Pam @pb50, of course you have this covered! 🙂
I’m glad that you passed all of your tests with flying colors, but I’m sure it is frustrating to not feel your best by this time.

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I have so little to complain about compared to so many. I just need to hire someone to do things that are simple but now taxing - - like cleaning baseboards and scrubbing shower floors. I always had a housekeeper every couple of weeks when I had the big job. But I entered retirement with the attitude there was absolutely no reason to hire out cleaning when I was capable of doing it myself. Only now - and I expect going forward - my physical capability has changed. Bummer.


Pulmonary function seems acceptable, but to be fair it doesn’t evaluate under any stress conditions. CT didn’t comment on anything remarkable , though it was really screening for repeat lesions. But presumably everything anatomical made sense.

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That’s how I feel, 75 and after second cancer surgery in 3 years in Aug (LUL) my stamina has taken a huge hit. Changing the sheets on my queen size bed wears me out and I get SOB. I was always very active prior to these surgeries. Just getting over a cold and pink eye so my exercise routine has also slacked a bit. It is hard to keep your positivity up!


That’s how I feel, 75 and after second cancer surgery in 3 years in Aug (LUL) my stamina has taken a huge hit. Changing the sheets on my queen size bed wears me out and I get SOB. I was always very active prior to these surgeries. Just getting over a cold and pink eye so my exercise routine has also slacked a bit. It is hard to keep your positivity up!

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Yea I was not expecting this. and my cocky surgeon certainly didn’t prepare me.


I had a double lobectomy on my right lung in January 2021. When I bend over, lay down, get in or out of a car or go upstairs. My oxygen drops quickly. The slower I move the better. If I try to hurry at all my breathing gets worse. I hate to say this but I was at my best at 7 months. If you can get into pulmonary rehab do it. I wish you well.


That’s how I feel, 75 and after second cancer surgery in 3 years in Aug (LUL) my stamina has taken a huge hit. Changing the sheets on my queen size bed wears me out and I get SOB. I was always very active prior to these surgeries. Just getting over a cold and pink eye so my exercise routine has also slacked a bit. It is hard to keep your positivity up!

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Have your pulmonary function test results dropped before and after surgeries?


Yea - not dramatically but lower


Hello- This is a common problem. The action of bending squashes and restricts breathing muscles. They won't work as effectively, making you feel more breathless. If you are carrying additional weight, especially around your abdomen, the breathlessness is likely to feel worse.

There are many ways that you can avoid bending over from your waist while standing up.

This would be a great time to use YouTube to find out more suggestions.

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