Been to an Epilepsy Monitoring Unit? What’s it like?

The Patient Experience Nursing Team at Mayo Clinic would like your help in making the experience in the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit at Mayo Clinic the best it can be. If you chose to take part in the survey, thank you! The survey is now closed.

In addition to the survey information, let’s talk about your experiences in an open discussion here on Connect.

What it is like to be in the monitoring unit, to be attached to electrodes while waiting to have a seizure? If you were preparing a friend to have a stay in an Epilepsy Monitoring Unit, what advice would you give them?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Epilepsy & Seizures Support Group.

Having a little one in the EMU can be challenging. Even more so when it's a prolonged stay. Thankfully our little has done well. We have started a company to try and help those having EEGs feel more comfortable while there. We are hoping to someday work with hospitals so that the item can be paid for by insurance and all patients have the option to use them if they want! We are just trying to take this hard situation and bring joy where we can. We are on Etsy, FB and Insta... @rainbowhairhats Hope you check us out!


Having a little one in the EMU can be challenging. Even more so when it's a prolonged stay. Thankfully our little has done well. We have started a company to try and help those having EEGs feel more comfortable while there. We are hoping to someday work with hospitals so that the item can be paid for by insurance and all patients have the option to use them if they want! We are just trying to take this hard situation and bring joy where we can. We are on Etsy, FB and Insta... @rainbowhairhats Hope you check us out!

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@thefincks, my best vibrations to your little princess and I do pray she will be back home soon and feeling well again!
Stay strong!!! As we say over here, God does not give such challenges to weak shoulders.

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