B12 Deficiency common or not in redheads

Posted by leezah @leezah, Feb 3, 2022

I’m having a B 12 deficiency . Could this be common among redheads?

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This is a very interesting question. I did some research as I am being treated by this too, and learned that one to two percent of people of European origin have read hair and that Vitamin b12 is one of the few vitamins Mayo Clinic recommends for older adults. I went to Google Scholar to see if there are any medical studies on your question and got zero results. When I used regular Google, I found some unscientific results, but nothing about your question. The National Institute of Health had an article about conditions associated with pale skin, but it has no answer to your question. When I posed the question “who is most likely to have vitamins b12 deficiency” the answer was people who don’t eat enough Vitamin B12 foods people who have trouble digesting it. Perhaps someone else can jump in.

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Thank you for this information. My diet had always contained a good healthy source Of foods containing B 12. I have a fellow redhead friend on Facebook that was told by her doctor that it is common for redheads to have B12 Deficiency. The redheads that commented all agreed they have been treating B12 deficiency. I find this very interesting. And I have also looked for more Literature and can’t find any links.
Thank you again


Thank you for sharing. I’m glad your treatments are working for you. I am on a special diet to strengthen my red blood cell. Eating at least 2-4 oz of clean meat daily. I also having been taking B12injections 1x a week and now my doctor is recommending 2x a week. It’s helping a lot but I have along way to go. I have a typical deficient looking tongue and it’s also effecting my speech.

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Clean meat? Haven't heard that before?


Thank you's to all that have responded / commented.
Should I take it that no one experienced any negative consequences from injecting B-12? Didn't expect any, but wanted to get some real live data.



Thank you for sharing. I’m glad your treatments are working for you. I am on a special diet to strengthen my red blood cell. Eating at least 2-4 oz of clean meat daily. I also having been taking B12injections 1x a week and now my doctor is recommending 2x a week. It’s helping a lot but I have along way to go. I have a typical deficient looking tongue and it’s also effecting my speech.

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@leezah Thank you for sharing a bit of your journey. I'm so happy you are getting a handle on your deficiency. It does seem tweaking may be necessary in some cases. Can you explain what clean meat means? Perhaps fresh slaughter, without antibiotics or hormones? This is new, I'm very curious.

Your tongue being effected must feel awful, especially effecting speech. You mention you have a long way to go. What does your path forward look like?


Clean meat? Haven't heard that before?

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What I meant by “clean” organic, grass fed beef.


Thank you's to all that have responded / commented.
Should I take it that no one experienced any negative consequences from injecting B-12? Didn't expect any, but wanted to get some real live data.


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@larryg333 Nope, no bad reaction or negative consequences for me, thankfully. Larry, are you needing B12 supplementation?


@leezah Thank you for sharing a bit of your journey. I'm so happy you are getting a handle on your deficiency. It does seem tweaking may be necessary in some cases. Can you explain what clean meat means? Perhaps fresh slaughter, without antibiotics or hormones? This is new, I'm very curious.

Your tongue being effected must feel awful, especially effecting speech. You mention you have a long way to go. What does your path forward look like?

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I have a long way to go because I’ve only started to address the issue in Nov 2021 . I have no proper Diagnosis. I’m working with a naturopath to find out the root cause of the B12 Deficiency along with the tongue issue which is apparent to my family doctor and naturopath that it’s neurological.
I had a live and dry blood Analysis and my red blood cells are weak and appears the fluid has around the red blood cells is not clear.
My father was Diagnosed with Amyloidosis a a couple years ago very late into the disease and I’m not sure if that’s maybe what’s going on with me . I’m hoping to see the team of specialist in Vancouver that my father has been working with so I can rule it in or out. I’ve also had many MRI and CT scans and they are inconclusive. All my blood work looks normal range except B12.


Hi, if labs can be in the middle to high end of normal that’s great. That’s my goal with b12 injections, vitamin d prescription, ferritin and b-complex. It just doesn’t get their. I now have a naturopathic doctor and they love to look at the body as a whole. I’m hoping she can figure out why this continues. It seems my PCP has run out of ideas. Very disappointed when they just say keep taking the vitamins will recheck in three months. I do have health problems besides low vitamin levels but since Covid the medical community is to Covid focused in my opinion. Happy Sunday..Joanne


@larryg333 Nope, no bad reaction or negative consequences for me, thankfully. Larry, are you needing B12 supplementation?

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@Rachel -- No, not for me... but my neighbor (not a redhead, in case anyone's keeping count). ;>)



What I meant by “clean” organic, grass fed beef.

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ok. thank u!

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