Avoiding financial destitution with long Covid

Posted by Athena Atkins @athenaatkins, Feb 29 2:44pm

Hi all,

I have a thread going about post-exertional malaise, but I also wanted to get some advice on finances while dealing with long Covid. Up until this point (I am seven weeks out from the initial infection), my work has been great about letting me work from home and even go into the negative with my paid time off, but another crash this week means that I am, yet again, not going to make the 30 hour minimum I need to work to maintain full time status. In fact, I have only been able to meet that 30 hour/week goal once since I got sick. I need to have some income, because ALL THE BILLS, but I don’t know what options I have.

Can you share how you are managing to survive financially while dealing with long Covid? Are you working part-time and getting state/federal assistance? Are you not working and on short-term or long-term disability? Can you also share the challenges or obstacles that you have faced trying to get financial support, and how you overcame them? I am just terrified right now about how my family and I will survive as I face the reality that I may not be able to work full time for the foreseeable future.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

Does your company have short term disability leave? I had to go on it, as I was unable to work at all. Unfortunately I’ve never gotten better and had to go the road of moving to long term disability, then applying for Social Security disability, which I was finally approved after 2 1/2 years. I’m 4 years in, and I pray that you will steadily see your heath improve to be able to get back to full time.


Oh man, I am so sorry that you have suffered so much. I need to check with my employer, but they are a very small company, and I don’t think that they have short term disability benefits available, which is scary to think about.


Financials: I too had a thread going about financials and there seems to be no clear answer.
Up to my point, I have not worked since September (initial infection) Had a large initial viral load and tested positive for 3 weeks. I retired from my "career job" in December, 2022 and was working part time at a dress shop where I picked up the Covid, despite having ALL my vaccines. I am on Social Security but it doesnt pay all the bills, so I took some money out of 401k to live in since I dont have any income coming in and the huge fatigue and brain fog problems means out I will be out of pocket a bit longer.


1. I am managing financially on Social Security and some 401k money. (Do not know how old you are but if you are 62 you can go ahead and apply and get some money coming in about a month or two)
2. I dont know who your insurance company is, but most of them have where you can apply for financial assistance. I did this through Kaiser to help alleviate some of the medical co-pays and prescription co-pays.
3. I applied for a Long covid grant through these folks: https://copays.org/ and got approved for $3000.00. They dont pay but for certain things but at least you can recoup up to that amount. You send up documents to show proof of payment. So far it has helped me with around $200.00.
4. My son is paying all the rent since September to allow me to recoup and go to therapy. ( YOU may not have this luxury, but for now , I am blessed to have this option)
5. I am CONSIDERING SSI OR SSDI but from what I heard, it takes up to two years. I dont have the luxury of waiting on that, so I am trying to find a part time job that has flexibility on hours and days.
6. See if someone will start you a go-fund me page and help you out that way.
7. Cutbacks: We have cutback on groceries by 40 percent and barely eat out once a month. This helps me focus on smaller, whole, natural products such as pinto beans and potatoes and simple produce along with a side of protein. I make up food ahead of time so that when I dont feel like cooking (such as on the days when I have long fatigue or brain fog. This diet is better for you when recovering from long covid, I am told, by a nutritionist.

I dont know your situation entirely, but these are just some of the things that I AND MY FAMILY have had to do to get by. There are days, I will admit, my bank account is zero, but I am happy to be alive after that horrible, retched 3 weeks of Covid.

Some things that have helped me- double dosing of vitamin D 3 weeks, double dosing of multivitamins for 2 weeks, magnesium at night for calm, CBD gummies to help me relax and sleep (strength depends on your tolerance-start out slow) , Tai chi for calm and balance and helps with the brain fogs some too.

Good luck to everything. IT is rough on everybody and we are out here just floundering trying to figure what to do.


Thank you for sharing your situation and experience with me. I am 42, so social security retirement is not an option now, but thankfully I found out that my work has short term disability, so I am going to apply for that asap. My husband and I are starting to talk about what bills to consolidate, what bills to cut, etc. Luckily we are headed into spring, because heating and energy costs have been high this winter.

Again, I really appreciate that you have taken the time to share your experience and what you’re going through.


Thank you for sharing your situation and experience with me. I am 42, so social security retirement is not an option now, but thankfully I found out that my work has short term disability, so I am going to apply for that asap. My husband and I are starting to talk about what bills to consolidate, what bills to cut, etc. Luckily we are headed into spring, because heating and energy costs have been high this winter.

Again, I really appreciate that you have taken the time to share your experience and what you’re going through.

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You are welcome! Hope any little piece of this information may help you. Also, let me know if you have any epiphanies, as well.


@athenaatkins, here is the related discussion started by @c1john
- Any longhaulers successful getting Social Security Disability or SSI?

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