Autoimmune and methods for gut heal please share stories

Posted by abhishek80 @abhishek80, Jun 12, 2023

What are strategies for gut healing and have they helped ?

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I saw a functional medicine doctor who helped me tremendously. I was already doing an AIP diet when I first saw her. She had me do a food sensitivity test that showed me sensitive to a lot of foods allowed on that diet. So I basically ate meat,some vegetables and some fruit for 6 months. She also had me take l-glutamine and probiotics. I still don’t eat dairy, eggs, or grains. The diet did eliminate my digestive issues, excessive gas and bloating, and my stiffness and joint pain decreased.

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Fantastic you were on aip - it’s such a good way to create a clear slate to start finding out about your gut


I've had bouts of diverticulitis and was to get a resection done in 2020. Alas, Covid hit. When I feel my gut js acting up, I go straight to a liquid and soft food diet for a minimum of two days. For example yogurt, scrambled eggs, pudding, jello and lots of water, gatorade and juice. That gives my gut a chance to heal and reset.
I rarely have a problem with constipation and "go" most days (don't hate me) but when I do get backed up it's usually a sign for me to pay attention. I don't use any otc or prescriptions. There is enough fiber with prunes and roasted veggies to fix anyone up.


Splenda is toxic. Stevia so far, no bad data. Most recent study shows sucralose may actually affect DNA.


Thank you. I don't want to add artificial sweeteners into my system. From all the studies I've read, there's nothing benign about them. I did write to my GI doc today for direction. I don't feel too stressed, but I can always add more meditation/relaxation practices to my day. And, I'm not taking Magnesium, so I will try that after I check w/ my functional medicine doc. It's been on my list. I would like to add it when I introduce foods, 1 by 1 back into my diet. I am concerned that the BP medication I take and the immunologic might be drying out my colon and I am consuming caffeine, but not in coffee, in order to function throughout the day. I haven't used MOM before. I wonder what my doc will suggest.

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May I ask why you won’t take magnesium? It’s a necessary mineral needed for our body to work correctly. All my doctors have told me magnesium supplementation is fine. Mag citrate helps with constipaation, mag glycinate helps with relaxation and sleep.


Splenda is toxic. Stevia so far, no bad data. Most recent study shows sucralose may actually affect DNA.

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I can't eat fake sugar, it irritates my system and I ache worse the next day. Other than that, I find the taste terrible.


dahk, Good advice from your doctor. Pears are high in fiber in the skin of the pear and are also good for constipation. Also, have you tried a stool softener such as Colace? There is a generic for them and you can ask your pharmacist. I believe you can take 1-3 a day. Check the label on this. Also, figs & prunes are good for some people. There is a prune tea that I saw mentioned on this site. Blessings...P.S. I do not think the York Peppermint Patties have aspartame in them, perhaps stevia or splenda.

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My doctor only recommends organic stevia if I need a sweetener.


I've had bouts of diverticulitis and was to get a resection done in 2020. Alas, Covid hit. When I feel my gut js acting up, I go straight to a liquid and soft food diet for a minimum of two days. For example yogurt, scrambled eggs, pudding, jello and lots of water, gatorade and juice. That gives my gut a chance to heal and reset.
I rarely have a problem with constipation and "go" most days (don't hate me) but when I do get backed up it's usually a sign for me to pay attention. I don't use any otc or prescriptions. There is enough fiber with prunes and roasted veggies to fix anyone up.

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If you need electrolytes, i recommend staying away from Gatorade. It’s not healthy. Read the ingredients. I use ULTIMA that can be ordered from Amazon, comes in many flavors, recommended by my functional medicine doctor.


I know water is still needed when drinking Gatorade. I will look into Ultima. Thanks.


My doctor only recommends organic stevia if I need a sweetener.

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I understand Stevia has a strong taste? I don't use sugar much outside of what's aleady found in food. I need more to get over my salty cravings 😺


I think the 1st food I’ll introduce will be Kiwi fruit.

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FWIW this device is a game changer for prepping kiwi!
Now, I get a 3 lb Costco box of kiwi weekly.

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