At 74yo I need a dr who will listen to me

Posted by codered032 @codered032, Feb 14 5:32am

I am new to this group so I will try to keep this short. I am 74yo, have been relatively stable health. I have arthritis and have had joint replacement surgery which has been successful. I was diagnosed with a rare kidney disease in 2019 and treated with a nephrologist. I have been in remission for over two years. Medical treatment has become so specialized. The doctor will only address his area of treatment. Nobody looks at the patient as a whole person. Office visits are limited to 15 minutes and I am lucky if I speak with the doctor for five of those 15 minutes. I am currently on no prescription medication for chronic illness. Last year I attempted to establish a relationship with a gerontologist who never examined me. She reviewed my health history, that was obtained by the nursing assistant, asked a few questions, ordered routine labs, and never scheduled a follow up visit. Recently I called to ask for pain management because I was having an arthritis crisis and her only suggestion was Tylenol. I attend warm water therapy 3-4 X week and Tylenol was of little benefit. She showed no concern for my current condition. I have never asked for pain medication nor have I ever complained about my arthritis. I got the impression that she thinks that at 74 I am going to have pain and that I have to adjust to it. I know that at this stage of my life I need a trusting primary physician who is willing to listen and be interested in my overall health. Any suggestions for finding a doctor who is interested in providing care for aging patients?

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Have you looked inro red light therapy for your arthritis? My pain doc at UCSF recommended the Usuie brand (it is what she uses.) and the price is reasonable compared to some of the other brands. They have a good return policy. Consistency is the key. Can’t hurt to try for 20 days and return i you do not find improvement.

I’m 72. I’m concerned, in aging, about ageism as I age. I am pretty active and hope to remain so like my friends in their 80s. I think that both my parents were treated with a lower standard of care when they were in their mid 80s. No proof, just a feeling I have.

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Thank you for recommending red light therapy. I will definitely research it. I have never liked taking medication on a regular basis. My previous experience with pain management provider was disappointing. I participate in warm water pool activities regularly. I live in a cold climate and sometimes Tylenol isn’t enough. Red light is something I will research.


Thank u foryour KIND reply toMY comment.


Thank you for your support. I attend a warm water pool several times a week. I have developed, with research, my own personal routine. But on occasions I have flare up that Tylenol doesn’t help. Because of my kidney disease, I try to avoid as much as possible anti inflammatories. There are days when it is a real struggle just to walk.

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I have RA and pulmonary fibrosis and am supposed to have a team. I can't get that worked out. I have constant inflammation and other difficulties. But no one seems to be together in caring for the conditions, or for my issues for that matter. As a 78 year old woman, I often think it is my age. Or maybe I have a personality that bothers others. In any case, I do keep blaming myself for one thing, but the other is a choice to consider the others uncaring and inadequate. I hate to think a team simply doesn't care enough to even discuss or do a referral. But it does seem to me that I am not getting proper care. It is painful and hard and I am left to all my own devices in trying to help myself. Anyone else going through such conflicts with their illnesses?


I have RA and pulmonary fibrosis and am supposed to have a team. I can't get that worked out. I have constant inflammation and other difficulties. But no one seems to be together in caring for the conditions, or for my issues for that matter. As a 78 year old woman, I often think it is my age. Or maybe I have a personality that bothers others. In any case, I do keep blaming myself for one thing, but the other is a choice to consider the others uncaring and inadequate. I hate to think a team simply doesn't care enough to even discuss or do a referral. But it does seem to me that I am not getting proper care. It is painful and hard and I am left to all my own devices in trying to help myself. Anyone else going through such conflicts with their illnesses?

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Continued: Like ColoRed, our docs have 15 minutes to spend with us.
However, what I do have is a pain med. dr. who spends time with me on my pain and genuinely seems to care. I feel so fortunate in that regard and hope CR finds the same help. 15 minutes is less time than brushing your teeth.

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