Asking for info on holistic or non invasive treatments

Posted by mim61 @mim61, Jun 1, 2023

Had surgery 6 wk ago
Lumpectomy invasive lobular carcinoma

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Best place to go in FL alternative treatment
Which is close to Sun City Fl
For Her2 negative metas tatic estrogen positive


Not sure I mentioned this, but when I didn't have the radiation, I was to take the Anastrole (Arimidex) pill? I tried a few and had hot flashes immediately which surprised me? Then I read that within 24 hours of taking the first pill your estrogen level goes down by 70%. That indicated to me the medication was very strong at only 1 ml, so I decided not to continue. Even then the hot flashes persisted (without the pill) for almost three weeks, several times per day. I hadn't had those for many, many years so I knew it was the pill. It's just my personal opinion, but if you're cancer was small with clear margins and no lymph node involvement, it makes sense after surgery not to pile on more than my pretty aged, at 79, body can handle. That's me anyway, as it probably takes some time to heal both the breast and the sentinel lymph node surgery. Blessings to you and I'm sure you will live a long and healthy life.


Not sure I mentioned this, but when I didn't have the radiation, I was to take the Anastrole (Arimidex) pill? I tried a few and had hot flashes immediately which surprised me? Then I read that within 24 hours of taking the first pill your estrogen level goes down by 70%. That indicated to me the medication was very strong at only 1 ml, so I decided not to continue. Even then the hot flashes persisted (without the pill) for almost three weeks, several times per day. I hadn't had those for many, many years so I knew it was the pill. It's just my personal opinion, but if you're cancer was small with clear margins and no lymph node involvement, it makes sense after surgery not to pile on more than my pretty aged, at 79, body can handle. That's me anyway, as it probably takes some time to heal both the breast and the sentinel lymph node surgery. Blessings to you and I'm sure you will live a long and healthy life.

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The hot flashes eased for me on letrozole. Everyone is different but if the med is needed (depending on the cancer) I personally think it can pay off to wait a few weeks before stopping it. The estrogen that is reduced is from the adrenal glands and for me, my body adjusted for the most part. I respect everyone's decisions, just writing about my own experience, but my cancer was grade 3.


Thank you for your response. My cancer was grade 1 and DCIS grade 0. No lymph node involvement, which is why I'm taking the 'watch and wait' program (if there is such a thing). Because if I have the radiation I cannot have it again in the same place, if the cancer returns. If I wait and cancer returns, I can then have the surgery and perhaps the radiation too. That was my reasoning. However, you did mention the adrenal glands and I have to have a checkup every two years (CT scan) as I have a nodule on it? So, there may well be some kind of tie up concerning that and the estrogen. So, thank you so much for reminding me of that. I really appreciate it. Blessings to you on your journey.


Thank you for your response. My cancer was grade 1 and DCIS grade 0. No lymph node involvement, which is why I'm taking the 'watch and wait' program (if there is such a thing). Because if I have the radiation I cannot have it again in the same place, if the cancer returns. If I wait and cancer returns, I can then have the surgery and perhaps the radiation too. That was my reasoning. However, you did mention the adrenal glands and I have to have a checkup every two years (CT scan) as I have a nodule on it? So, there may well be some kind of tie up concerning that and the estrogen. So, thank you so much for reminding me of that. I really appreciate it. Blessings to you on your journey.

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@heydon2023 did you discuss this reasoning with your oncologist? For me, treatment was more to prevent distant spread than recurrence in the same place (since I have no breasts). Once it spreads it is not curable. So radiation and surgery for the primary cancer is intended to try to prevent that spread. I would definitely talk to your doc. Did you have a low Oncotype? It sounds possible with grade 1 and 0.


I have been doing the mistletoe treatments for about 13 months now. The side effects are very very small. I get a small amount of redness around the injection site and that is the only side effect. At my mammogram in December, I was clear. I did not do the AI therapy of the radiation as I was not willing to put up with the debilitating side effects. I will turn 73 this month. Your regimen of treatments is a very personal choice and you need to do a lot of research and decide what you can tolerate and what you can't! Good luck.

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Are you in the US? Was wondering where you get the mistletoe therapy. I have been researching hope4cancer where they do holistic treatments. I am going thru traditional treatment but was wondering if doing holistic after would be added benefit.


If this stuff really worked wouldn't you think there would be an attempt to verify that - like a study? How are you going to know you want to try it? Annecdotes from a few people don't really tell you anything useful.


Are you in the US? Was wondering where you get the mistletoe therapy. I have been researching hope4cancer where they do holistic treatments. I am going thru traditional treatment but was wondering if doing holistic after would be added benefit.

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I get it through my Naturopath. The company is in Germany and is called Helixor and the Mistlletoe I get is called Viscosan.

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