Asking for info on holistic or non invasive treatments

Posted by mim61 @mim61, Jun 1, 2023

Had surgery 6 wk ago
Lumpectomy invasive lobular carcinoma

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I have been doing the mistletoe treatments for about 13 months now. The side effects are very very small. I get a small amount of redness around the injection site and that is the only side effect. At my mammogram in December, I was clear. I did not do the AI therapy of the radiation as I was not willing to put up with the debilitating side effects. I will turn 73 this month. Your regimen of treatments is a very personal choice and you need to do a lot of research and decide what you can tolerate and what you can't! Good luck.

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If you have time I'd really appreciate hearing more about your experience with mistletoe as I'm in the process of researching it but haven't spoken with anyone who has actually used it. I'm 2 years into an MBC (metastatic) recurrence - it's in my bones and liver. Have gone through targeted therapies (Afinitor & Ibrance) but have a mutation (ESR1) that mitigates their effectiveness. . Then took an oral chemo (Xeloda) until it stopped being effective. Am now on Eribulin chemo infusions. QOL is manageable but could use improvement (walking is difficult and fatigue ever present). I'm in Santa Fe NM and have only found one practitioner, in Taos, who offers mistletoe and she's booked months out. My goal is to find someone who offers mistletoe, and maybe other CAM therapies, and specializes in cancer treatment. Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated! Sending you best wishes for continued success. Adana


I would be very cautious about anyone offering Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) who claims to cure cancer. However, after a lot of research I am now looking for CAM providers to improve quality of life/mitigate conventional treatment side-effects. Unfortunately, there is little scientific data in the CAM world, although John Hopkins has just completed Phase 2 of a small mistletoe trial ( and, of course, most isn't covered by insurance so it's expensive. Believe Big is a good place to start for mistletoe information ( I am a 74 year old with a metastatic (bones, lives) recurrence, living near Santa Fe, NM. And I'd love to hear from others who have information or experience with CAM, especially mistletoe. Best wishes to all of us dealing with this. Adana


Well, I appreciate your information. I’m not familiar with the mistletoe treatment and who offers that and I’m not sure even if it’s for all types of cancers I had a second opinion. Yesterday she will do surveillance with me. I am not willing to choose the traditional treatment they want me to do as far as chemo and radiation. I just can’t subject, my healthy body to that.

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I'm 81 years old. I had chemo and radiation that ended about one and a half years ago. I had a lumpectomy first. The chemo did make my feet number (neuropathy ran in my family,) and now I can't drive; some of it is fear i developed driving to treatment in town.
I was sitting watching my favorite series on Netflix last night and marveling how good I feel. I am strong. I work out in the yard on the 22 acres I live on alone in wild country.
.My husband died on Parkinson's a short time before I found out about the cancer.
I feed the homing pigeons. I deal with the carpet that needs to be replaced and the moldy closet from the big storm we had here in Ca on Jan 9.
I have kids that i see about once a week that help me.
I didn't like it when I had no hair, but that period only lasted about 4 months and the wigs and scarves were a big waste of time.
I am quite healthy, and if I had to do it all over, I would.
Some women wear cold caps to keep their hair. Mine came in better than ever before so I made a positive gain on that one.
I recommend treatment. It's better than chasing a cure with supplements. I take a lot of suplements now; my oncologist's first recommentdation was Alpha Lipoic Acid.
I just had my 6 month check up and I am good as new. I tried turky tail but it gave me dirahhea.
It was miserable during chemo but I'd do it again to have such a great outcome.


PS. I decided not to take drugs to block estrogennow because I had such a hard menopause emotionally all those years ago . I was taking estrogen/progesterone all the way up to receivng a cancer diagnoisis. i feel that's why I got the cancer as no one I know of in my family, all the way back to grandparents has had breast cancer except me.
Ironically, I think the estrogen it's self kept me younger . The oncologist said I'm younger than my actual age.


PS. I decided not to take drugs to block estrogennow because I had such a hard menopause emotionally all those years ago . I was taking estrogen/progesterone all the way up to receivng a cancer diagnoisis. i feel that's why I got the cancer as no one I know of in my family, all the way back to grandparents has had breast cancer except me.
Ironically, I think the estrogen it's self kept me younger . The oncologist said I'm younger than my actual age.

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I was told to take it as well
I will go a natural way
Flax AV
What are you doing for preventive care I was told
Stage three mestatic lobular carcinoma
Went to lymph
Had surgery


I didn't have your type of cancer. I had HERpositive. I was lucky that it was once a death sentence but now it is treated with Herceptin made from Vinca. I've had vinca growing in my yard for years now and I moved it to the place where I live now from my parents house that already had it in their yard when they bought the house in 1946.


I'm 81 years old. I had chemo and radiation that ended about one and a half years ago. I had a lumpectomy first. The chemo did make my feet number (neuropathy ran in my family,) and now I can't drive; some of it is fear i developed driving to treatment in town.
I was sitting watching my favorite series on Netflix last night and marveling how good I feel. I am strong. I work out in the yard on the 22 acres I live on alone in wild country.
.My husband died on Parkinson's a short time before I found out about the cancer.
I feed the homing pigeons. I deal with the carpet that needs to be replaced and the moldy closet from the big storm we had here in Ca on Jan 9.
I have kids that i see about once a week that help me.
I didn't like it when I had no hair, but that period only lasted about 4 months and the wigs and scarves were a big waste of time.
I am quite healthy, and if I had to do it all over, I would.
Some women wear cold caps to keep their hair. Mine came in better than ever before so I made a positive gain on that one.
I recommend treatment. It's better than chasing a cure with supplements. I take a lot of suplements now; my oncologist's first recommentdation was Alpha Lipoic Acid.
I just had my 6 month check up and I am good as new. I tried turky tail but it gave me dirahhea.
It was miserable during chemo but I'd do it again to have such a great outcome.

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I am glad you feel well!
God Bless us!
I appreciate your comment


I didn't have your type of cancer. I had HERpositive. I was lucky that it was once a death sentence but now it is treated with Herceptin made from Vinca. I've had vinca growing in my yard for years now and I moved it to the place where I live now from my parents house that already had it in their yard when they bought the house in 1946.

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Wow so you were treated with a plant?
I will look into that Ty!
Did you have any side affects from the drug they made from the plant


Wow so you were treated with a plant?
I will look into that Ty!
Did you have any side affects from the drug they made from the plant

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I didn't have any side effects from the Herceptin made from the Vinca. I had all the usual awful side effects from the Taxol that was the main treatment. It made me very sick for about two weeks until the dose was reduced by 20 percent. Then other than the chemo and radiation being so time consuming, it wasn't that hard.


I am glad you feel well!
God Bless us!
I appreciate your comment

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Thank you! I'm happy that I'm one of the many who have made a good recovery. Don't give up at any age!

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