Anyone took Acebutolol? What was your experience getting off?

Posted by Pri @someconfusedperson, Jun 30, 2023

I'm done with beta blockers. They make me feel horrible and put me in the hospital. I was prescribed a beta blocker for POTS (which is 90% gone now THROUGH MY OWN EFFORTS because my doctors are incompetent). First was on propranolol, which is probably the worst beta blocker you can give to a dysautonomia patient (it's a CNS toxin), then metoprolol (2nd worst). Finally landed with Acebutolol, which helped me, but now I don't need it anymore. It's plummeting my blood pressure (I generally am hypotensive) and causing me rhythm disturbances. Metoprolol caused me seizures, tachycardia (150 bpm upon waking up), & even more rhythm disturbances and it took me an entire month and a half to "feel normal" again. Honestly, I feel that putting me on a beta blocker just made things worse. A whole lot worse. I want to get OFF of this drug.

If anyone has taken Acebutolol in the past, what was your experience getting off? If you're trying to get off now, what's it like so far?

And yes, I'm obviously going to taper. 12.5 mg of metoprolol nearly gave me a heart attack (woke up one morning with a heart rate of 183). I have a nine-ten week plan in place to be safe. I'm taking 100 mg in the morning and 100 mg in the afternoon. Doesn't seem like a lot, but believe me, if you went through what I went through with previous beta blockers, you'd be as cautious as I am.

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