Anyone take adderal to help with long covid symptoms?

Posted by karincolemansmither @karincolemansmither, Jan 11 12:44pm

I have had long covid twice now since 2021. It may have just never went away and got worse when I got covid again.
I have tried antidepressants for the severe depression and nervous system, but my body does not react well to SSRI or SNRI. Has anyone tried aderall ? Does it work? Long term steroids are not the answer but I felt so good for weeks until I hit a wall with them. So thinking adhd med might help. Any thoughts?

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It helped me. I was able to do housework and definitely had more energy. My grown children noticed it first.


I take two ADHD medications for long Covid and both of them help *a lot*! Vyvanse and Guanfacine.


anyone have gastro problems i’ve been diagnosed with gastroparesis after having covid ?


I'm also from 2021! Sorry we are in this boat together. I do take adderall now, although it's technically for my post-concussion syndrome. I was a little hesitant to try it, because it's a controlled substance and I was afraid it would increase my anxiety and mess up my sleep. Instead, my anxiety is actually decreased. And I cannot even explain how amazing it has been for focus/concentration, energy and motivation. I could cry just thinking about how I was before and how much I am able to do now. I can read! I can walk 4 miles! I can write! I can keep my calendars and schedules organized! I don't take naps. I can cook dinner for my family. Of course some symptoms are still there, and probably always will be. I do have memory issues still and I may never be back to the exercise/work/socializing routine from pre-Covid. But I do feel like adderall has given me my life back. Good luck!!


I have Long Covid and Adderall has helped me with the fogginess and concentration. It's been a blessing!!!


I'm also from 2021! Sorry we are in this boat together. I do take adderall now, although it's technically for my post-concussion syndrome. I was a little hesitant to try it, because it's a controlled substance and I was afraid it would increase my anxiety and mess up my sleep. Instead, my anxiety is actually decreased. And I cannot even explain how amazing it has been for focus/concentration, energy and motivation. I could cry just thinking about how I was before and how much I am able to do now. I can read! I can walk 4 miles! I can write! I can keep my calendars and schedules organized! I don't take naps. I can cook dinner for my family. Of course some symptoms are still there, and probably always will be. I do have memory issues still and I may never be back to the exercise/work/socializing routine from pre-Covid. But I do feel like adderall has given me my life back. Good luck!!

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Thank you. I have hypersomnia and my doctor mentioned giving me something to help…
I am going to follow up and request adderall. I took it years ago for my hypersomnia.


I have just started taking a low dose (2.5 mg) of Focalin (dexmethylphenidate) and it has really helped. I've had long Covid since January of 2022, my original Covid and have had it again twice. I agree that the symptoms get worse again, after each time. I'm very glad I've started taking the med because I can actually get out of bed in the morning. I used to sleep until 9:30-11:00. I am doing additional things to help; DBT therapy, other psych drugs and other support groups. It has been a long haul. I still am unable to work a full time job. Yet, I am making progress every day.

Elly Mailhot

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