Anyone living with metastatic endometrial Cancer? What treatments?

Posted by miriam57 @miriam57, Dec 14, 2021

Wondering if anyone out there is living with endometrial cancer and what treatments you have been through?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Gynecologic Cancers Support Group.


I am still fighting the fight

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Keep fighting Miriam and keep us posted! I am thinking of you and Helen and sending good healing juju and love!! xoxox Eileen


Keep fighting Miriam and keep us posted! I am thinking of you and Helen and sending good healing juju and love!! xoxox Eileen

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Is there another Eileen on this site or is someone posing as me? I did not write the above


Is there another Eileen on this site or is someone posing as me? I did not write the above

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@ejrdevries Yes, @ejohn is Eileen.


Keep fighting Miriam and keep us posted! I am thinking of you and Helen and sending good healing juju and love!! xoxox Eileen

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Newly diagnosed, metastatic Stage IV. Does anyone have experience with this diagnosis and/or treatment of this condition?


Newly diagnosed, metastatic Stage IV. Does anyone have experience with this diagnosis and/or treatment of this condition?

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Hello, @mnmimi
How are you feeling? Were/are you in shock? This is a frightening diagnosis to deal with.

Here is some information on endometrial cancer. You likely know that clear cell carcinoma is less common than some of the other endometrial cancers. What treatment does your oncologist recommend?

I was diagnosed with endometrial adenocarcinoma in 2019 with a recurrence in 2021.

I'm going to ask that your post be moved to Gynecological Cancers where you will get more responses from others who have had this cancer and will have helpful information for you.


Newly diagnosed, metastatic Stage IV. Does anyone have experience with this diagnosis and/or treatment of this condition?

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Hi @mnmimi, as suggested by @naturegirl5, I've moved your post to the Gynecologic Cancers group here: where you can meet others with stage 4 endometrial cancer like @miraclegirl @stparker54 @miriam57 and others.

You may also be interested in this related discussion:
- Clear Cell Endometrial Carcinoma: Rare, aggressive, hard to treat


Newly diagnosed, metastatic Stage IV. Does anyone have experience with this diagnosis and/or treatment of this condition?

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Good morning,
I know this feeling.
I had a hysterectomy in May of 2020.
Stage 1a grade2 tumor
Dec of 2020 it was back in my abdomen. Tumors.
Jan 2021 started 6 rounds of Carbo -taxol
Where ice on feet and hands during 3 hours of Taxil. Tumors shrunk
May-started Keytruda/after 4 rounds the tumors grew.
Oct-2022 they said they could cut out the tumors and part of my colon because the tumors wrapped around my colon and do I got a colostomy bag as well.
Dec-2021-a new tumor
Jan- 2022-rounds of radiation to try to shrink tumor
Feb-gem at/cysplatin-didn’t work to well
Back on Carbo/taxol is shrinking
Last one is in August and nothing is planned so far.
I am wondering-
How can I help you?


Hello @miriam57 and @naturegirl5 I haven't been on this is awhile and see you are both being warriors again. I sent you all good positive and healing energy. You both sound really positive and here for you. Eileen

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Hello @miriam57 and @naturegirl53
You have both been on my mind again, as you are traveling similar journeys. If you feel like sending an update please do. Positive energy, love and healing are headed your way. So far I am doing fine, just struggling with energy. I feel like its from the radiation. Anxiously awaiting my next scan in October and getting my girls ready for 3rd grade. Stay strong warriors!! xoxoxo Eileen


Hello @miriam57 and @naturegirl53
You have both been on my mind again, as you are traveling similar journeys. If you feel like sending an update please do. Positive energy, love and healing are headed your way. So far I am doing fine, just struggling with energy. I feel like its from the radiation. Anxiously awaiting my next scan in October and getting my girls ready for 3rd grade. Stay strong warriors!! xoxoxo Eileen

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I had surgery in October to remove tumors, get a colostomy since a tumor wrapped around my colon.
Six weeks later a tumor came back in my pelvic wall.
Jan- started Gemzar/cisplatin
After first scan, not working, just finished another 6 rounds of Carbo/taxol. They will do PET scan, MRI, CT scan to see what is going on. Chemo wore me down this time.
Not sure if we try another new drug, clinical trial, or nothing.
Sept. 12, I will hear more.n
Thankyou for reaching out.

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