Anyone here dealing with peripheral neuropathy?

Posted by rabbit10 @rabbit10, Apr 9, 2016

Anyone here dealing with peripheral neuropathy?

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Hi, I have had neuropathy for 3 years. It came from one sugar spike from diabetes at the beginning of the pandemic. I keep my sugars well in check but the neuropathy is now going up my legs. Very scared. I'm so glad I found this forum. Thanks

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Hi Sue @galesr, Welcome to Connect. Love your kitty! It's good to hear you keep your sugars in check. Sorry to hear you have neuropathy from the diabetes. Unfortunately it is common to get neuropathy from having diabetes. There is a discussion that you might find helpful:
--- Has anyone tried treatment for diabetic neuropathy ?:

Do you have any pain with your neuropathy or do you just have some numbness?

In reply to @lydiasda "20 years" + (show)

Welcome @lydiasda, 20 years is a long time to deal with neuropathy. I've also had neuropathy for 30+ years but I only have numbness and no pain. Do you have pain with your neuropathy? Can you share a little more about your diagnosis and symptoms?


Hi Sue @galesr, Welcome to Connect. Love your kitty! It's good to hear you keep your sugars in check. Sorry to hear you have neuropathy from the diabetes. Unfortunately it is common to get neuropathy from having diabetes. There is a discussion that you might find helpful:
--- Has anyone tried treatment for diabetic neuropathy ?:

Do you have any pain with your neuropathy or do you just have some numbness?

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I have a lot of numbness and pain occasionally at night. I take gabapentin and it does help with some of the pain. I have to find out why the pain is at night for me. Thanks for the reply.


I have a lot of numbness and pain occasionally at night. I take gabapentin and it does help with some of the pain. I have to find out why the pain is at night for me. Thanks for the reply.

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Night time pain can be the worse if it keeps you from sleeping. Have you seen this discussion?
--- Neuropathy Pain at Night: What helps?:


I have posted to this group before about my PN in my feet and calves. Just lately, my hands go to sleep while I am at the computer and then the ends of my fingers get tingly. I have dealt with carpal tunnel in both wrists before I retired and I believe this, too, can be related to PN? I am wondering now if it is going into my fingers? Is my imagination and drama getting carried away?? Anyone?


My neuropathy only affects leg and foot weakness, and that’s it, I find that nothing helps, I take gabapentin, and I don’t really even know if it works if it does, it’s mild. I recently bought a Bemer to lay on to see how that works. I’m surprised That as many people that have this there’s not more money spent to try to find help a sure. all the other vitamins are nothing but a grab bag.


My neuropathy only affects leg and foot weakness, and that’s it, I find that nothing helps, I take gabapentin, and I don’t really even know if it works if it does, it’s mild. I recently bought a Bemer to lay on to see how that works. I’m surprised That as many people that have this there’s not more money spent to try to find help a sure. all the other vitamins are nothing but a grab bag.

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@sebringsully, Do you have pain with the leg and foot weakness? You mentioned that nothing helps and you take gabapentin but don't know if it works. If you don't have any pain with your neuropathy, I would have a long discussion with your doctor on why you are taking gabapentin which only helps for pain.


I have posted before and want to know if anyone has used the Kloud It is an electro stimulator for numbness in hands and feet. I have been using Pt and Ot and acupuncture. I think it helps some but, it is slow.


A retired nurse gave me a bottle of Frankenstein & Myrrh to rub on my painful feet 3x/day. It takes away the sharp pain and actually soothes. It is for Neuropathy according to the bottle. I but it from Amazon


I recently had an EMG, the diagnosis is mild-moderate Peripheral Neuropathy. I feel very fortunate in comparison to what I am reading here.

My PN feels like someone has both hands on my ankles and twists each other in opposite directions. I have had only two episodes in the last few months where I experienced total leg pain and only one was during the night.

Thinking back on this over the last year I remember times when I would have a misstep in my movements. I thought that it was possibly an equilibrium ear issue, but now I know it was the beginning of PN.

I actually feel that having two COVID shots and two boosters is what triggered it for me. I am done with the boosters forever.

I really hope that it does not progress to a point where I would need to consider an Rx, I have no desire to add any meds if possible.

I purchased a book titled "Defeat Neuropathy Now...In Spite Of Your Doctor". It is written by two doctors who operate the San Antonio Neuropathy Center in San Antonio, TX at this link

In their book, they delve into a listing of medications known to cause Neuropathy as well as some OTC items. Based on what they say I have dropped two meds I was taking and switched to another. This clinic markets two products and I am taking one of them Nuphoria CM Gold. Their other product is Nuphoria CM Nerve Defense which my PCP said she would not recommend due to a high Vitamin E level. She said that could cause bleeding.

My PCP said with there being no cure she could only recommend a product named Wise Men Healing Balm with Frankincense and Myrrh Essential Oils and that does offer relief in my symptoms. Use this link

In addition, I am walking 2-3 miles 5-6 days a week. I also purchased a Vibration Plate made by LifePro. This machine comes with a lifetime warranty.
This link

I have read that vibration therapy is in its infancy. I try to use that daily in hopes that it will help with my balance which is not a big issue but an issue at this point.

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