Anyone have intermediate Macular Degeneration
I'm interested in hearing people IMD.
I like reading people's stories, how they deal with it, what they are experiencing and if they've learned of new treatments or cures coming down the pike.
I pray every day that I can grow old while maintaining my good central vision. I pray that I am young enough to one day benefit from more permanent treatments, less invasive treatments, and even a cure. Research has been ongoing for such a long time that sometimes I think there may never be a cure. I will not give up nor will I stop praying.
I hope we can get a chat going here. ❤️
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I was diagnosed with it last July. I was told I have the dry type and what to do if my vision suddenly looks like a crumpled piece of paper.
Hi everyone! I was diagnosed in 2021. I first noticed symptoms when I was riding my bicycle- the front tire look really crooked. And then I noticed that the telephone poles along the road weren’t too straight either.
I have wet AMD in the left eye and dry AMD in the right. My wet AMD has been treated every 4-6 weeks since diagnosis with VEG-F injections. Right now I’m taking Eyelia-HD and my doctor is hopeful that the time between injections can be extended.
The visual distortions have gone away but I have some darkening of central vision. Overall my eyesight has not changed much. My eye with dry AMD remains untreated.
I was diganosed over two years ago. Same as you, left and right eye. At my first doctor I had shots in my eye (yipes) every couple of months. The last injection I received left me with a killer infection that led me to two operations within two weeks and lots of bills. Long story short,my second eye doctor is a world of difference. He hesitates with shots, and prescribes supercharged eye vitamins. I may still have to have another shot but least an option was given. This condition, I understand, is generational. Best thing is, my new doctor told me there is a medicine in the works that will be oral!! I hope this will be soon and we all will have another option.
I have had macular degeneration due to Ischemic Retinal Disease and have received Eyelea interocular injections 4 to 5 times a year for some time and my vision has remained steady. I had one episode of rejection and serious temperary vision loss after have omnipaque for an angiogram, but recovered from that well.
I'm so glad you responded. It's hard to find people to talk to about it.
I'm guessing you were diagnosed with intermediate Macular Degeneration? Does your doctor recommended AREDS2 vitamins, uv/uvb sunglasses, leafy greens, and the amsler grid? That's where I am right now. No wavy lines or blurriness. I pray every day it remains this way forever lol. And dry.
How old are you?
How long have you had MD? Did it start as dry or wet due to Ischemic Retinal Disease? So, the injections help you keep your normal vision? No waves or discoloration or black spots? I'm still a mild intermediate. I'm not even sure when I was early. It's a bit mind-blowing because I saw my opthalmologist annually with dilation then covid hit and I couldn't be seen for 18 months to 2 years. Some time between 2020 - 2022 I started early and progressed to intermediate. A little unheard of but here I am. And I'm 56 and blurry afraid of my future.
Thank you for responding. It feels good to have others like me to chat with.
Were you diagnosed with wet initially? That's the only way they'd give you shots, right? How old are you? Are your vitamins AREDS2?
Are you seeing a retinal specialist and a general opthalmologist?
I haven't heard of an oral treatment coming. I have heard of the photobiomodulation light therapy (not a lot of reviews), and eye drops that are in research, possible gene therapy and stem cell regrowth/patch. I just hope I'm able to benefit from something one day. I've been told today, this is not a blind-death sentence. I hope that's right.
Thank you for responding. You were diagnosed with wet Macular Degeneration initially? You didn't know anything was wrong until the wavy lines? Just curious if you were going for regular eye exams prior? Annually or biannually. Are you still able to drive, read, recognize faces, and ride your bike? I hope so.
I'm still mild intermediate. My concentration is on staying healthy, active, eating lots of fruits & veggies, and fish etc, and taking my vitamins daily. Oh and wearing uv/uvb sunglasses.
Hope to chat again.
I am 84 years old and had never had any eye problems (except cataract removals) and had perfect vision. Two years ago my OD saw a problem and referred me to the Southern Retinal Clinic where the ophthalmologist did numerous tests before starting the injections. I had one set back when I had had an angiogram with omnipaque and almost lost the vision in the eye. All doctors say omnipaque never causes problems but there is nothing else to account for the sudden attack. The injections were changed but have continued and I have excellent vision.
See if you have a Retinal Clinic near you and go to see them
I'm seeing a retinal specialist for the intermediate Macular Degeneration. It's mild with no vision issues or wavy lines except on the amsler grid. My right eye is off a pinch but that eye has a little more drusen. No injections because it's dry. I see my regular opthalmologist for annual eye exams like vision acuity etc. I've always had perfect vision 20/10 now 20/20 with low readers for the first time in my life. I guess you can see my disappointment and concern to be diagnosed in my 50s especially when it's an "Age related disease". The majority are diagnosed 20 -30 years older.
The good thing so far is all of the specialists, including JHU (Wilmer eye institute) I've seen seem to think it will take decades before it will affect me, not sure how they know that, especially if I take good care of myself, but that's there prediction. There are some good things coming down the pike and I hope I can benefit from them.
Are you still living independently and driving?