Anyone else have PMR with some serious sternum/rib cage pain?

Posted by ksidorov @ksidorov, Jun 3, 2023

Doctor suggests it is Costochondritis which I have read is possible with PMR. The pain is not only in my sternum (like, serious pain when trying to cough or roll over in bed) but now also in my back rib cage area.

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So affirming to meet so many others with rib cage pain. I am 2.5 years into this process and currently on 4.5 prednisone. I have had pain in my ribs for 1.5 years. It is slowly improving and directly related to my PMR symptoms. When I have pain in thighs, shoulders or forearms, I have commensurate pain in my ribs. The ribs are sore on inhalation, and when I lay on my back. Very slow to resolve, like the rest of this illness. Good luck with your journey.b

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I just had an acupuncture appt yesterday and the pain was almost completely resolved (pain maybe now a 2 on the pain scale). Need to see if it lasts but I would recommend.


On 15 mg prednisone now for two weeks. The excruciating stiffness and pain is lessened greatly. However some days are worse than others. Does PMR affect knees as well as thighs?
What do you take for pain relief? Tylenol 1000 works for me if the pain isn’t over the top, otherwise the pain is always there. Lessened since prednisone but always there.


On 15 mg prednisone now for two weeks. The excruciating stiffness and pain is lessened greatly. However some days are worse than others. Does PMR affect knees as well as thighs?
What do you take for pain relief? Tylenol 1000 works for me if the pain isn’t over the top, otherwise the pain is always there. Lessened since prednisone but always there.

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I have had occasional pain in one knee but it is not really too bad. I take ibuprofen, naproxen, or tylenol. They all work for me to varying degrees.


Wow, that is quite a journey. I was originally prescribed 20 mg of Pred when it all started (18 months ago). I have self-tapered to the point where it is all manageable with 3 mg (I did try going down to 2 last week - mistake!).
Working with acupuncturist to see if that will help. That, plus exercise and naproxen seems to help.

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I just had a similar experience. I was doing so well at 2mg., so I decided it was time to take 1 mg.
Started having painful lower back issues, so now I am at 3 mg.
My goal is get back to 2 mg. And stay there for months, then go down to 1.5 mg. Slower and smaller steps.
I had a chat with my Rheumatologist, and learned that many PMR members stay at 2 mg. for many years. And, even though I have never had Giant Cell, I will need to have the SED test yearly for the rest of my life.
Best wishes with your journey.


I have the exact same symptoms. Also extremely low oxygen saturation; docs say it’s due to diminished chest expansion that come with the pain and stiffness.


I have the exact same symptoms. Also extremely low oxygen saturation; docs say it’s due to diminished chest expansion that come with the pain and stiffness.

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I have been experiencing bad pain on right ribcage for a while now. No one seems to know why.


Ksidorov, I too have had pain in rib cage, front and back ribs for a year and a half. Very bad in back ribs the.length of my rib cage. Also pain in muscles in back dx as myofacial pain pressure points. Like you very painful to lay on my.back, or.sit with my.back against a chair. Both common to PMR folks. The pain has diminished over time, but is still there. I have tried massage therapy, dry needling, tens etc with about 8 hours of.reluef and exacerbated the next day., time has been the healer. Now.2 and a half years. Very.slow taper- .5 mgnover 7 weeks and hold for 3 weeks or 4 at new dose. Called Dead Slow to Nearly Stopped by Dorset Lady Health Unlocked. I walk about 5 miles a day and that has helped me. Walking.seems to be recommended for everything. I think for me as my condition improves, so do the rib and back muscle issues. Time is everything with this illness and patience. Good luck.


Exactly what I've been dealing with for over a year. Sometimes the pain flares really bad so that I can't even lie down at night without extreme pain, that's when I do prednisone. I usually manage with 50 mg Celebrex twice an day and turmeric twice a day. Usually take prednisone for couple of weeks and it gets better for a period then flares again. I've had mri's, x-rays, etc & couldn't find anything else, so I think it's the PMR (I have dealt with that for about 3 years). It's odd that the pain is the worse exactly where I had shingles at about 15 years ago.


I also have had rib cage pain with my PMR. At times, it's been the worst of my symptoms. My HSS doctor didn't seem to think it was related, but if I increase my prednisone, it always subsides.


I also have almost constant rib cage pain. Fortunately most of the pain in my thighs and calves is gone but it persists in my buttocks. Sitting is always uncomfortable. Still on 9.5
mgs. of prednisone going down .5 per month. Also 20 mgs. methotrexate 1 x week but don't feel it does anything.

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