Anyone else have ear pain?

Posted by yinzerific @yinzerific, Jun 16, 2023

I’ve had post COVID symptoms since November 2022, including ear aches, headaches, nausea, tinnitus, dizziness, fatigue, postnatal drip, Afib, parasthesia, and muscle spasms. Fortunately, my hearing hasn’t been affected, and my ENT hasn’t found anything wrong with my ears or sinuses. Has anyone else has had chronic ear pain? This seems to be less common with Covid, and I’m wondering if inflammation is causing it. I’ve been treating my ear pain with Tylenol, but I appreciate any other suggestions.

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I do, along with ear fullness and buzzing at times. I made several trips to the ER because I thought I had an ear infection and they said ears looked fine. I HATE THIS COVID!!! I was so very healthy and active prior, and Covid has robbed me of the life I was knew.


Once again where did I go . My activity level is 1/100th of what is was . I know we deteriorate with age but this is RIDICULOUS.


I have the same symptoms as you (and many more). I have been able to know when I am getting an ear infection because of the change in pain.

My ENT did exams, scans, and test. But found nothing wrong. He released me and ruled it was Long Covid related. Multiple bloodwork shows my ANA is very high, and is staying high for over 2 1/2 years.

I have been accepted to go to the Mayo Clinic for seeing their specialists, have tests, exams, and procedures. I am over 2 years out with Long Covid, so I do not qualify for their Long Covid Clinic. So I will be seeing Internal Specialists instead.


Don't worry about not being able to go to Mayo. I did and wasted thousands of dollars!!!

The Doc I saw prescribe Guanfacine and it made my already blood pressure go lower and I lost a lot of weight since I got Covid (was 125 now 94 lbs wet) and can't gain it back no matter how much I eat and I'm eating every hr

I sent several messages via Mayo mychart, tried calling the assistants aned nurses, all to no avail and he refuses to call me back. I'm told "he's too busy."

Send me private messages if you have any luck with the Internal Specialist. Together we will prevail in all helping one another.

Our Dear Lord Jesus is watching over us.


I have the same symptoms as you (and many more). I have been able to know when I am getting an ear infection because of the change in pain.

My ENT did exams, scans, and test. But found nothing wrong. He released me and ruled it was Long Covid related. Multiple bloodwork shows my ANA is very high, and is staying high for over 2 1/2 years.

I have been accepted to go to the Mayo Clinic for seeing their specialists, have tests, exams, and procedures. I am over 2 years out with Long Covid, so I do not qualify for their Long Covid Clinic. So I will be seeing Internal Specialists instead.

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After Covid, and for a short time I experienced swimmers ear. It felt as if my ears were clogged.


Has anyone looked at TMJ?? There are PT stretches online for that as well as neck and shoulders. Vertigo can be helped with the Foster Somersault or the Epley maneuver--both of which you can do at home, on your own.


I had blood labs for the first time in five years, a month after having Covid in August 2022- and feeling particularly bad. I had what I thought was residual Covid mucous, ear fullness, headache etc.. So the blood panel showed that I was quite anemic, and had high protein- and mprotein.Was referred to oncologist to check if it was blood cancer- and it is multiple myeloma, which I have been in treatment for ever since. COVID appears to have pulled the trigger, though I'd felt crappy for two or three years in many ways, so it must have been brewing.
My point is, your various ills may all be symptoms of a main source, which may not be visible to a straightforward physical exam. Have you had a blood panel done, to check all your levels are normal?- it may clue you in.
Best of luck, and don't overdo the Tylenol- it can be surprisingly hard on the liver. But totally avoid Advil and other NSAIDs as it seems you are, as yes they're worse.( How I miss Advil!)


I have the same symptoms as you (and many more). I have been able to know when I am getting an ear infection because of the change in pain.

My ENT did exams, scans, and test. But found nothing wrong. He released me and ruled it was Long Covid related. Multiple bloodwork shows my ANA is very high, and is staying high for over 2 1/2 years.

I have been accepted to go to the Mayo Clinic for seeing their specialists, have tests, exams, and procedures. I am over 2 years out with Long Covid, so I do not qualify for their Long Covid Clinic. So I will be seeing Internal Specialists instead.

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Wow. Just… wow. That sums up our collective infuriating experience!


There have been such varied Med responses to long haul patients—it can vary from hospital to hospital, but also can be very different from provider to provider within Covid clinics. I always worry that what one sufferer says works or what happened will affect other LH’ers — either keep them from drs or spur them on. Just remember— your body is as unique as your personality is. We can have the same symptom but experience it to varying degrees; same symptom with different contributing factors; same symptom but unique life situs or support or pre-existing conditions. Please— keep this in mind when you INEVITABLY run into that person/dr/RN/ PT/ stranger who never had Covid/stranger who had mild case/long hauler who bounced back (& tells you he did it by eating only …I dunno, only black olives and Vitamin B12 and hard driving cardio) — that when they disbelieve or downplay YOUR symptoms or insist it isn’t real, that they are wrong. They do not know. NO ONE is living your exact combo of symptoms or factors. I just want us all to feel better physically, but to also BE HEARD & SEEN.

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