Anyone develop brown pigmentation over a couple weeks on their feet?

Posted by ericy210 @ericy210, May 6 7:17pm

My feet are white as a ghost yet have developed brown pigmentation of the tops of my feet, toes, and lower ankle. I noticed about two weeks ago and now they burn. I’ve tried all the obvious things and my doctor called it a “mystery.” I’m off to a specialist.

I’ve read it could be autoimmune issues. Does anyone know about such a condition?

I’m a long Covid guy and been part of university and NIH clinical long Covid programs for over two years. Lots of testing. Lots of lingering random stuff, like hiccuping nonstop for weeks, which was attributed to inflammation from autoimmune cytokine storms. Not fun.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.


Looks a bit like mine without as much brown pigmentation.

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We're you ever checked for hemochromatosis?


Hi @ericy210

...this is a bit in WAG (wild ars guess) territory

To pursue the autoimmune angle, might you consult a vasculitis dermatologist or a rheumatologist who sees cutaneous vasculitis patients?

I wonder if the ringed white areas on the tops of your feet are related to livedo reticularis/racemosa

If you decide to investigate “vasculitis dermatologists,” might you be near one of the experts that co-authored this paper


Yes mine is very similar. I have some on the ankle area also. Did you happen to have petchaie first that turned into the discoloration? That's how mine started out.

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They somewhat came together. The vessels were more similar to capilaritis. They had some trouble finding petchaie. They said it’s more like Shambergs disease, but it didn’t seem to them what it clearly was.


Hi @ericy210

...this is a bit in WAG (wild ars guess) territory

To pursue the autoimmune angle, might you consult a vasculitis dermatologist or a rheumatologist who sees cutaneous vasculitis patients?

I wonder if the ringed white areas on the tops of your feet are related to livedo reticularis/racemosa

If you decide to investigate “vasculitis dermatologists,” might you be near one of the experts that co-authored this paper

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Thank you. I opened the link and there’s of good info in it.


We're you ever checked for hemochromatosis?

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I haven’t, but the pictures I look d up look very familiar.

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