Anyone deal with Acid Reflux or GERD after lobectomy?

Posted by Hawaiigirl0906 @demo0052, Dec 22, 2023

I had a bilobectomy in July 2023 and since I had experienced a dry cough that worsens at night and acid reflux. I haven’t dealt with reflux since my pregnancies. I will be seeing a pulmonologist at Mayo soon to help figure out the cough but I’m guessing it’s coming from GERD now. My thoracic surgeon brought me back for a bronchoscopy in October and it was clear so apparently the cough isn’t coming from something in the lungs. Anyone else experience GERD or reflux since lobectomy?

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Thanks Cindy. I am doing most of these things already and am relieved to hear that they will aid in getting through these side effects of the surgery. Ddid you have vocal chord issues as well?


Merry Christmas! From what I understand, the Gerd and acid reflux are caused from the shifting of the stomach and diaphragm after lung surgery. In my case, I had a Segmentectomy and small wedge of Upper Left Lung. So everything shifted up afterward. I also now have a “tiny hiatal hernia” that wasn’t there before. I feel like everything that I eat just makes my stomach bulge but now higher and sits there for awhile. I don’t take any medicines, but will take some pepto if it gets that burning feeling. I’ve just realized that at night is when you need to eat smaller meals. Eat your big breakfast and lunch because you’re moving around more. Small for dinner and try to avoid greasy, and dairy such as ice cream at night. It’s worked for me. I also have an adjustable bed and I leave the head up a bit. I sleep much better that way. Hope you all have a Wonderful and Blessed day! God Bless you!

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That is the most logical explanation for what happened in the first few post op days and persisted to a lesser degree after I returned home. I stabilized with H2 blocker Pepcid. And I have an adjustable bed and keep bed slightly elevated. Thanks for your input to the mystery!!


Thanks Cindy. I am doing most of these things already and am relieved to hear that they will aid in getting through these side effects of the surgery. Ddid you have vocal chord issues as well?

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I know I would get hoarse at times and my voice was definitely different. Like a quieter, tired sounding voice. It’s back to normal now.


Yes. My thoracic surgeon said to take omeprazole or Pepcid ac (generic) everyday. The possible medical issues from the gerd are worse than taking the proton pump inhibitors daily. Good luck!


Yes. My thoracic surgeon said to take omeprazole or Pepcid ac (generic) everyday. The possible medical issues from the gerd are worse than taking the proton pump inhibitors daily. Good luck!

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I would just add that the H2 blockers like Pepcid are not documented as triggers for a type of colitis - as PPIs are. I switched from Nexium to Pepcid for that reason.

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